I would like to welcome everyone to this new forum.
The topic of the KVCD templates has brought together many people, that want to put a longer amount of video on a single CD-R.
The quality generated by the TMPEG Encoder, together with this template, has generated many controversies between many users.
Here, we will continue to discuss methods of video optimization and space conservation, without sacrificing quality.
So far, XVCD's generated with this method, have proved that we can achieve VCD quality, and in some cases half D1 quality, with MPEG-1 and the excelent TMPEG encoder.
We salut Mr. Hori, the developer of TMPEG from Pegasys-inc.com for such a wonderful product, and hope that the future will bring us even better MPEG compression algorythms so we can all experiment and enjoy our video conversions to the highest degree.
So, lets get the ball rolling!.