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03-15-2003, 12:32 PM
JoZ JoZ is offline
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Hello! I would like to let you know that "Cyberhome CH-DVD 402" works with:
352x240(28, 704x480(576) and KVCDx3.

I tested it with: PAL and NTSC Film
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03-15-2003, 01:22 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Thanks JoZ,

Updating the page in the next 5 minutes

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03-16-2003, 08:19 PM
Sepheris Sepheris is offline
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Hey JoZ,

How did you get your's to play the templates? Any modifications? I have tried a NTSC FILM with KVCDx3 and 708x480 but the screen just lags and freezes. Thanks
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03-17-2003, 02:11 AM
JoZ JoZ is offline
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Originally Posted by Sepheris
Hey JoZ,

How did you get your's to play the templates? Any modifications? I have tried a NTSC FILM with KVCDx3 and 708x480 but the screen just lags and freezes. Thanks
Hello, Sepheris!

I didn't do anything special. I've Panasonic-RV31 but a friend has
Cyberhome CH-DVD 402 so I've played my KVCDs on his player. If you
would like details about how am I making my KVCDs I'll share all my

Cyberhome CH-DVD 402 is amazing. It can play directly not just vcd,
kvcd, svcd but mpeg-1,2,4 directly, vobs ... and (on my gosh) asf but
only few minutes like 3-4 min and after that freezes. One more bug
cannot play divx and xvid :P
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03-17-2003, 04:54 AM
exergo exergo is offline
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I have a CH-402 (european version) and it doesn't play correctly any KVCD MPEG1 in PAL I've made with a vertical resolution greater than 480.
I tested the following resolutions in MPEG1:
352x288: OK
352x576: KO
704x576: KO
528x576(x3): KO
352x480: OK
704x480: OK
528X480: OK
528x496,512,528,544,560: KO

Also, all the NTSC samples that were available in the page a few month ago worked OK.

I've checked them in two different players: mine, with firmware version DD16, and my brother's with firmware version DD1D.

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03-20-2003, 03:03 PM
Sepheris Sepheris is offline
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Hello, Sepheris!

I didn't do anything special. I've Panasonic-RV31 but a friend has
Cyberhome CH-DVD 402 so I've played my KVCDs on his player. If you
would like details about how am I making my KVCDs I'll share all my

Cyberhome CH-DVD 402 is amazing. It can play directly not just vcd,
kvcd, svcd but mpeg-1,2,4 directly, vobs ... and (on my gosh) asf but
only few minutes like 3-4 min and after that freezes. One more bug
cannot play divx and xvid

Hey JoZ,

Well I went back and tried it again with all KVCD templates and it still does not work. I have not tried SKVCD as of yet. If you can post your process or can think of anything, that would be great. Here is what I am currently doing:
1)Rip using DVD decryptor 3.1.2
2)make project file with DVD2AVI 1.76+
3)use Headac3he-0.23a to make mp2
4)using FitCD 1.05 w/file prediction and Avisynth 2.07 w/SansGrip's Filter
5)encode with TMPGEnc- and mux with bbmpg12418.
6)create bin with VCDeasy 1.1.2 and burn with Nero 5.5 VCD non-compliant

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03-20-2003, 04:19 PM
JoZ JoZ is offline
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OK just let me clarify that. I don't have 402 and I'm making my cds for
the player I own - Panasonic rv-31. After that I put them in 402 and they
played with no problem. All of them. I didn't try svcd of any kind because
my player doesn't play svcd well (actually very very bad).

1. DVD decrypter. Don't know what version. Latest on the site should
work. I'm using ifo method and as a result I'm having few 1gb vob (the
default size for splitting them) and one ifo file. As usual If the movie is
close to 2h I'm cutting text at the very end (I don't remember the word in
english) with ChopperXP. If you are cutting with it don't cut anything from
the begging... you'll be in a lot of trouble. There is a way around but I
found it too complicated for 10-20 sec in the begging.

2. d2v v1.76 from dvd2svc, or any d2v will work also. I don't know is
1.76+ using the same format but I guess so. That produces ac3 and d2v
file. Before that F5 for preview and if it's (thanks black prince):

Video Type........................ (2) Field Operation

NTSC at 5% or higher............ None (use decomb in your avs script)
FILM at 95% or lower............ None (use decomb in your avs script)
FILM only (implies 100%)..... Forced FILM
FILM at 96% or higher.......... Forced FILM

3. HeadAC3he to mp2. I'm converting it to 44.1 and bitrate 128. If later
I'm having more space I can increase it or decrease to 96 if the mpeg is
too big. Also sometimes I'm cutting the very end of the movie when I'm
muxing it if it's too big. My player cannot afford more then 80:50min.

4. MovieStacker with almost default settings. It's beautiful tool from my
point of view. The bad part is : doesn't have preview which will be great
but still I can see the result almost immediately in tmpgenc sample.

I don't use FitCD because there is a problem somehow with the frames
count and... I just don't trust to that program. Nothing personal.

5. Tok to predict. I love 1 80 min cd way! Tok most of the time works for
me very well. Still have some small problems but it's getting better and

6. tmpgenc with cq from tok. I'm not using tok to encode. It crashes
sometimes (I forgot with what dll).

7. Like you mux with bbmpg12418 with these settings:

It's absolutely important to mux like that for me because otherwise I'm
having problems playing the movie in my player.

8. create bin/cue with vcdeasy with these settings:

9. nero

I'm in US and 402 is US version I guess. It plays pal and ntsc film. I didn't
try ntsc yet.

P.S. If you try in my way and still doesn't work I can send you kvcdx3
with 2:05h movie on it (knight's tale) that I've played in 402 and you can
try it. If it doesn't work... then 402's are probably different somehow and
I don't have any solution to problem like that. Firmware up/downgrade or
something like that maybe will work but I'm not a specialist with that.
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