What I meant was that I did not know how the Norcent DP300 (a standard, straight out-of-the-box, unmodified one) would handle the various kvcd templates.
However, I do know that
some Norcent DP300 models (if they have the right video processor and flashrom inside it, and also a dvd-drive with an ide-interface) can be "upgraded" to use a very cool firmware called OFFA developed by some talented programmers at the OneFirmwareForAll Yahoo Group. It is actually the original firmware for the Sampo 631CF dvd player (my player), with
MANY other cool features added in that you just will not find on any other dvd player.
I'll leave it to you to read up on what these features are, but a couple are the ability to connect a hard-drive full of your favorite files to your player and to create your own splash screen (screen that appears when you turn your player on), among many others. Check out the link I posted previously, or the corresponding sections at
www.area450.com to learn more about the OFFA Firmware and which dvd players it is compatible with. If you have a dvd player with the correct ESS video processor in it, you might be able to use OFFA. There are several Apex dvd players that do, for example.
Unfortunately, one of the current downsides of the OFFA firmware is that, for some reason, it will only play kvcd's that use a 23.976fps framerate properly if they have a resolution of 352x240. Any kvcd templates that use a resolution higher than 352x240 require that a framerate of 29.97fps (for ntsc material) be used for it to play without stuttering audio/video sync problems (while running OFFA firmware). So while the OFFA firmware is great in many regards, it isn't a
perfect choice for KVCD compatibility (because you lose ~20% of the compression benefits of the kvcd templates by using a 29.97 framerate instead of the usual 23.976fps used by the templates). Still, it's a great project and firmware for people who
can use it, and the other features make it worth it. The only other players out there right now that might give OFFA-compatible ones a run for the money in the "look what I can do" department, are the KISS players that can play divx files.
So bigggt, if you're lucky enough to have gotten a Norcent DP300 with "the right stuff" in it (you see, different batches were made with different parts at different factories), then you could probably upgrade to the OFFA firmware if that sort of thing interests you.
But it would be at the cost of losing the ability to encode @ the 23.976fps framerate with resolutions higher than 352x240, which kinda sucks, but I still manage to fit 2-hour movies onto 1 disc using the x3 template @ 29.97fps and it still looks great on my regular mid-size tv, so
I'm not complaining.
Boy, that sure was a mouthful, wasn't it?!