aiaiai....mais otru problema
eu salvo o projeto pelo dvd2avi o audio vem dai tbm e a legenda converto pelo subrip ateh ai bl coloko no diko e no final no final o besweet trava koisa q num tem importancia pq depois eu converto o ac3 no headc3he e multiplexo no tmpgenc axu q isso vai funciona num vai? mas o problema mesmo eh q ta adicionandu 2 legenda q qui eu façu?
15:18:09 - D.I.K.0. (DivX in - KDVD Out) Freeware - version 0.61 by VMesquita
15:18:09 - -----------------------------------------------------
15:18:09 - Program Starting...
15:18:09 - *************************
15:18:09 - * Getting movie info... *
15:18:09 - *************************
15:18:09 - -----------------
15:18:09 - Processing Movie 0: C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto.d2v C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto AC3 T01 3_2ch 448Kbps DELAY 0ms.ac3
15:18:09 - Parsing D2V File...C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto.d2v
15:18:09 - First VOB is...C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB
15:18:09 - Forced Film is... on.
15:18:10 - NTSC Film...99.974%
15:18:10 - Getting Width...720
15:18:10 - Getting Height...480
15:18:10 - Getting Source Aspect..1.7777
15:18:10 - Getting FrameRate...23.976
15:18:10 - Getting Number of Frames...258043
15:18:10 - Processing Movie 0: C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto.d2v C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto AC3 T01 3_2ch 448Kbps DELAY 0ms.ac3
15:18:10 - -----------------
15:18:10 - Subs Processing Already Done:Skipping...
15:18:10 - ************************************************** ************
15:18:10 - * Audio extraction, getting audio info and Generating script *
15:18:10 - ************************************************** ************
15:18:11 - Getting Number of Channels of source audio...5
15:18:11 - Getting Source Audio Sample Rate...48000
15:18:11 - Source Audio Bitrate Rate...448kbps
15:18:11 - Audio is 5.1 AC3 and will be downmixed do 2.0.
15:18:11 - Calculated Audio size: 210.206 Mb
15:18:11 - ---------------------------------------
15:18:11 - Total audio space:210.206 Mb
15:18:11 - Media Size: 795 Mb
15:18:11 - Media count: 2
15:18:11 - Mux Overhead:15 Mb
15:18:11 - Remaining space for video: 1349.79 Mb
15:18:11 - Total length: 179.376 minutes
15:18:11 - Generating script for movie 0 based on : scripts\dvd\kwagOptimal.avs
15:18:12 - Desired Sample Size: 14.0744 Mb
15:18:12 - QFactor Adjust used: 1
15:18:12 - **********************************
15:18:12 - * Initiating prediction phase... *
15:18:12 - **********************************
15:18:12 - Encoding with maximmum Q factor: 40
15:18:12 - Creating new ECL...
15:18:12 - Encoding sample for movie0...
15:18:12 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : templates\cce\svcd-p.tem
15:26:26 - Filesize: 13.7591Mb
15:26:26 - Total Resulting Filesize: 13.7591Mb
15:26:26 - Encoding with medium Q factor: 20
15:26:26 - Creating new ECL...
15:26:26 - Encoding sample for movie0...
15:26:26 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : templates\cce\svcd-p.tem
15:34:47 - Filesize: 19.6628Mb
15:34:48 - Total Resulting Filesize: 19.6628Mb
15:34:48 - Sample is bigger than desired sample. QMedium=QMin.
15:34:48 - -------------------------------------------
15:34:48 - Running Interaction 1 with Q factor 39
15:34:48 - QMax:40 - (13.7591 Mb) - QMin:20 - (19.6628 Mb)
15:34:48 - Creating new ECL...
15:34:48 - Encoding sample for movie0...
15:34:48 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : templates\cce\svcd-p.tem
15:44:11 - Filesize: 13.9593Mb
15:44:11 - Total Resulting Filesize: 13.9593Mb
15:44:11 - -------------------------------------------
15:44:11 - Fine tuning QFactor using a big sample
15:44:11 - --------------------------------------
15:44:11 - Generating script for movie 0 based on : scripts\dvd\kwagOptimal.avs
15:44:13 - Creating new ECL...
15:44:13 - Encoding sample for movie0...
15:44:13 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : templates\cce\svcd-p.tem
16:11:40 - Filesize: 68.1264Mb
16:11:40 - Total Resulting Filesize: 68.1264Mb
16:11:40 - Percentual Difference: -0.0319124 %
16:11:40 - Using QFactor 39 difference would be: -3.19124%
16:11:40 - % - 1 Q point equals 1.6%
16:11:40 - Using QFactor 38 difference would be: -1.6423%
16:11:40 - % - 1 Q point equals 1.6%
16:11:40 - Final Q factor: 37
16:11:40 - Re-Creating movies scripts without sampler for Full Encode
16:11:40 - Generating script for movie 0 based on : scripts\dvd\kwagOptimal.avs
16:11:42 - Encoding... Please Wait this can take many hours depending on your processor.
16:11:42 - Processing movie 0: C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto.d2v
16:11:42 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : templates\cce\svcd-p.tem
23:58:42 - Enabling pulldown flag... Command-line:
23:58:42 - pulldown.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\movie0.mpv" "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\pd_movie0.mpv"
00:04:25 - Pulldown Sucessfull. Deleting original file and renaming the pulled-down one.
00:04:46 - ********************************
00:04:46 - * Initiating audio encoding... *
00:04:46 - ********************************
00:04:46 - Processing Movie 0: C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto.d2v C:\TWO_TOWERS\VIDEO_TS\Projeto AC3 T01 3_2ch 448Kbps DELAY 0ms.ac3
00:04:46 - ------------------
00:04:46 - Using BeSweet to transcode, change FPS or frequency as needed. Command-line for file1:
00:04:47 - besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\list.lst" -output "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\movie0.mp2" -logfilea "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\./log.txt" -2ch ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -ota( -fs 48000 -g max) -mp2enc( -m d -b 160 )
00:05:31 - Renaming movie 0 files to its final name...
00:05:31 - Processing Movie 0
00:05:31 - ------------------
00:05:31 - Muxing audio and video with mplex. Command-line:
00:05:31 - "dvdauthor\mplex.exe" -f 4 -o "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\.mpg" "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\.mpv" "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\.mp2"
00:05:31 - Splitting generated MPG using DIKUMCISER. Command-line:
00:05:32 - ./DIKumciser.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Bruno\Desktop\Movies\KSVCD\.mpg" 6193247
Por favor ajuda eu dinovu