Vmesquita, estou com algumas dúvidas sobre alguns filmes que tenho que foram convertidos sem problema pelo diko porém ao assisti-los descobri que tinham serios erros lembrando que sua fonte (DivX e outros Xvid) estavam sem problema algum..Queria saber se vc sabe o motivo dos problemas..:
1 filme rodou perfeitamente até chegar no final quando aparece os créditos finais (aquelas letrinhas brancas com a tela preta) sendo que o filme ainda não tinha terminado ele pulou uns 15 minutos do filme e já foi direto pro final e ainda.. o audio seguiu normal, dava pra ver os barulhos de tiros e etc..
Outro filme.. rodou tudo blz até chegar na metade e derrepente dar um bug (a cena congelou por uns 3 segundos) e apartir dai o audio ficou sem sincronia..
Outro filme.. felizmente esse não mostrou graves problemas.. apenas defeitos tipo.. quadrados que aparece na imagem derrepende (não tem nada a ver com os velhos mosquitos do mpeg..)
E agora, um filme que acabei de converter.. antes do diko passar o pulldown nele, ele tinha 628 mb e depois que terminou está com 599
+ o audio foi para 700, lembrando que eu configurei o diko pra 820 mb, dei uma rápida olhada no filme mas parece estar normal o que é isso vmesquita ?
Este eu tenho o log :
05:30:00 - D.I.K.O. Free 0.72 (DivX in KDVD out)
05:30:00 - -----------------------------------------------------
05:30:00 - *************************
05:30:00 - * Getting movie info... *
05:30:00 - *************************
05:30:00 - -----------------
05:30:00 - Processing Movie 0:C:\A Dama e o vagabundo..av.dublado.avi+
05:30:00 - Script Template: scripts\avi\DialhotV4.avs
05:30:00 - Progressive Width: 640 Height 480 A.R.: 1,333333 Framerate: 23,976000 Frames: 109387
05:30:00 - Audio type: 85 (MP3), channels: 2 Frequency: 44100 Hz Bitrate 192 kbps
05:30:00 - Audio will be reencoded.
05:30:00 - Calculated Audio size: 89,108477 Mb
05:30:00 - ***************************
05:30:00 - * Processing Subtitles... *
05:30:00 - ***************************
05:30:00 - *******************
05:30:00 - * Calculations... *
05:30:00 - *******************
05:30:00 - Total audio space: 89,108477 Mb
05:30:00 - Media Size: 820 Mb
05:30:00 - Media count: 1
05:30:00 - Mux Overhead: 15 Mb
05:30:00 - Remaining space for video: 715,891523 Mb
05:30:00 - Total length: 76,039234 minutes
05:30:00 - Desired Sample Size: 7,464668 Mb QFactor Adjust used: 1,000000
05:30:00 - **********************************
05:30:00 - * Initiating prediction phase... *
05:30:00 - **********************************
05:30:00 - Encoding with maximmum Q factor: 40
05:36:27 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 3,966808 Mb
05:36:27 -
05:36:37 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 3,966808 Mb
05:36:37 - Encoding with medium Q factor: 20
05:43:06 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 5,855221 Mb
05:43:06 -
05:43:16 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 5,855221 Mb
05:43:16 - Sample is smaller than desired sample. QMedium=QMax.
05:43:16 - Encoding with minimmum Q factor: 1
05:49:40 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 10,657719 Mb
05:49:40 -
05:49:50 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 10,657719 Mb
05:49:50 - -------------------------------------------
05:49:50 - Running Interaction: 1 | QFactor: 14 | QFactorMax: 20 / 5,855221 Mb | QFactorMin: 1 / 10,657719 Mb
05:56:13 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 7,058662 Mb
05:56:14 -
05:56:24 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 7,058662 Mb
05:56:24 - -------------------------------------------
05:56:24 - Running Interaction: 2 | QFactor: 13 | QFactorMax: 14 / 7,058662 Mb | QFactorMin: 1 / 10,657719 Mb
06:02:46 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 7,306267 Mb
06:02:46 -
06:02:56 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 7,306267 Mb
06:02:56 - -------------------------------------------
06:02:56 - Fine tuning QFactor using a big sample
06:02:56 - --------------------------------------
06:15:34 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 36,470036 Mb
06:15:34 -
06:15:44 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 36,470036 Mb
06:15:44 - Percentual Difference:
06:15:44 - Percentual Difference: -0,022862 %
06:15:44 - Final Q factor: 13
06:15:45 - *********************
06:15:45 - * Encoding Video... *
06:15:45 - *********************
06:15:45 - Re-Creating movies scripts without sampler for Full Encode
06:15:45 - Encoding... Please Wait this can take many hours depending on your processor.
06:15:45 - Processing Movie 0:C:\A Dama e o vagabundo..av.dublado.avi+
09:03:43 - Enabling pulldown flag... Command-line:
09:03:43 - pulldown.exe "c:\Diko\movie0.mpv" "c:\Diko\pd_movie0.mpv"
09:03:43 -
09:12:31 - Pulldown Sucessfull. Deleting original file and renaming the pulled-down one.
09:12:52 - ********************
09:12:52 - * Audio extraction *
09:12:52 - ********************
09:12:52 - Extracting audio from the movie with AVI2WAV. Command-line:
09:12:52 - avi2wav\avi2wavcmd.exe "C:\A Dama e o vagabundo..av.dublado.avi" "c:\Diko\extract0a.wav"
09:14:19 - ---------------------------------------
09:14:19 - ********************************
09:14:19 - * Initiating audio encoding... *
09:14:19 - ********************************
09:14:19 - Processing Movie 0:C:\A Dama e o vagabundo..av.dublado.avi+
09:14:19 - ------------------
09:14:19 - Using BeSweet to transcode, change FPS or frequency as needed. Command-line:
09:14:19 - besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input "c:\Diko\list.lst" -output "c:\Diko\movie0.mp2" -logfilea "c:\Diko\log.txt" -2ch ) -ssrc( --rate 48000 ) -ota( -fs 44100 -g max) -mp2enc( -m d -b 160 )
BeSweet v1.5b28 by DSPguru.
Using VOBInput.dll v1.3 by DVD2SVCD (http://www.dvd2svcd.org)
Using hip.dll v1.19 by Myers Carpenter <myers@users.sf.net>
Using Ogg Vorbis v1.0 dlls (http://www.vorbis.com).
Using azid.dll v1.9 (b922) by Midas (midas@egon.gyaloglo.hu).
Using Shibatch.dll v0.24 by Naoki Shibata & DSPguru (shibatch.sourceforge.net).
Using MP2enc.dll v1.129 (23/5/2002), Engine 1.129 <http://www.cdex.n3.net>.
Logging start : 07/17/04 , 09:14:21.
besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input c:\Diko\list.lst -output c:\Diko\movie0.mp2 -logfilea c:\Diko\log.txt -2ch ) -ssrc( --rate 48000 ) -ota( -fs 44100 -g max) -mp2enc( -m d -b 160 )
[00:00:00:000] +------- BeSweet -----
[00:00:00:000] | Input : c:\Diko\list.lst
[00:00:00:000] | Output: c:\Diko\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[00:00:00:000] | Input : c:\Diko\extract0a.wav
[00:00:00:000] | Output: c:\Diko\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] | Overall Track Gain: 3.864dB
[00:00:00:000] +------ Shibatch -----
[00:00:00:000] | Source Sample-Rate: 44.1KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Dest. Sample-Rate: 48.0KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Attenuation : 0.0db
[00:00:00:000] +------- MP2ENC ------
[00:00:00:000] | Bitrate method : CBR
[00:00:00:000] | MP2 bitrate : 160
[00:00:00:000] | Channels Mode : Dual Channel
[00:00:00:000] | Error Protection: No
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[02:31:21:749] Stream error : Sync found after 540 bytes
[02:31:21:801] Stream error : Sync found after 303 bytes
[02:31:21:931] Stream error : Sync found after 1539 bytes
[02:31:21:957] Stream error : Sync found after 3416 bytes
[02:31:22:035] Stream error : Sync found after 830 bytes
[02:31:22:063] Conversion Completed !
[02:31:22:063] Actual Avg. Bitrate : 80kbps
[00:12:58:000] <-- Transcoding Duration
Logging ends : 07/17/04 , 09:27:19.
09:27:19 - Renaming movie 0 files to its final name...
09:27:19 - Processing Movie 0
09:27:19 - Muxing audio and video with mplex. Command-line:
09:27:19 - "dvdauthor\mplex.exe" -f 4 -o "c:\Diko\0 - A Dama e o vagabundo..av.dublado.mpg" "c:\Diko\0 - A Dama e o vagabundo..av.dublado.mpv" "c:\Diko\0 - A Dama e o vagabundo..av.dublado.mp2"
09:27:19 -
E ae ?