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10-09-2004, 08:48 PM
workperfect workperfect is offline
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olá, estou tendo problemas em usar o DIKO Gold, ele me faz todo o processo e me da a msg de q o video foi feito com sucesso porem na pasta de trabalho não consta o .mpg e os arquivos gerados não chegam nem a 700MB...é a primeira vez que uso o diko apos ter instalado o windos sp2, gostaria de saber o possivel erro que esta havendo.

PS. eu deletei o log se não postava aqui
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Someday, 12:01 PM
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10-09-2004, 08:56 PM
rodrosse rodrosse is offline
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Na verdade o DIKO deve ter " feito " sim, só que como provavelmente você não deve ter marcado a opção para autorar ele criou os arquivos de video ( mpv ) e o de audio ( mp2 ) e não " juntou " porque você não mandou...
Para maiores informações procure nos guias que tem tudo lá muito bem explicadinho...
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10-09-2004, 09:04 PM
workperfect workperfect is offline
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num sei o q é eu ja faço ksvcd a tempo nunca me ocorreu isso, o problema é q não ta gerando mesmo...ele criou a imagem em .bin fui emular e deu erro então o problema ta ocorrendo no diko...
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10-09-2004, 09:06 PM
danpos danpos is offline
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Olá ! Que tipo de conversão está fazendo com o DIKO (AVI -> SVCD, AVI -> DVD, DVD -> SVCD, DVD -> KDVD) ? Está usando qual encoder ?
Qual o tamanho final do arquivo .mpv e do .mpa ?
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10-09-2004, 09:09 PM
workperfect workperfect is offline
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Originally Posted by danpos

Olá ! Que tipo de conversão está fazendo com o DIKO (AVI -> SVCD, AVI -> DVD, DVD -> SVCD, DVD -> KDVD) ? Está usando qual encoder ?
Qual o tamanho final do arquivo .mpv e do .mpa ?
AVI-> SVCD, eu vi e estava marcando 200MB.
usando o CCE 2.67 + eLCCE 1.81

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10-09-2004, 09:15 PM
danpos danpos is offline
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Realmente é bizarro ! Só ocorre com este AVI ? Sugiro que vc refaça a compilação com o DIKO para que vc recupere o log.txt e poste o mesmo aqui para que o Vinicius possa resolver ...

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10-09-2004, 09:17 PM
workperfect workperfect is offline
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Originally Posted by danpos
Realmente é bizarro ! Só ocorre com este AVI ? Sugiro que vc refaça a compilação com o DIKO para que vc recupere o log.txt e poste o mesmo aqui para que o Vinicius possa resolver ...

Ta dando pau geral, com o FreeEnc tava estimado um tempo de 1:30min so q com 20min ocorreu um pau dus inferno ficando um tela gigante em fullscrenn e partiu para o processo do audio, ta tudo muito sinistro aqui
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10-09-2004, 09:30 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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Ou vc tá usando o CCE ou tá usando o FreeEnc
Vai se decidir
Se o seu computador está fazendo besteirada, pode ter virus.
Já correu um antivirus bem atualizado?
Mas eu acho que o seu AVI pode ser o maior dos problemas.
Se é um DivX tem um utilitário para reconstruir DivX quebrados.
Ele se chama DivFix 1.1. Faça uma busca no Google para o encontrar e baixar.
Se não resultar pode até ser um problema com o computador.
Mas experimente o DivFix primeiro e posta os resultados.
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10-09-2004, 09:30 PM
rodrosse rodrosse is offline
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Originally Posted by workperfect
é a primeira vez que uso o diko apos ter instalado o windos sp2.

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10-09-2004, 09:33 PM
Notle Notle is offline
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Originally Posted by danpos
Realmente é bizarro ! Só ocorre com este AVI ? Sugiro que vc refaça a compilação com o DIKO para que vc recupere o log.txt e poste o mesmo aqui para que o Vinicius possa resolver ...

como falow o dampos seria interessante vc tentar fazer de novo e postar o log...

vc pode tentar tb desinstalar os programas de conversão (da uma limpada no registo..sempre bom né) e instalar os programas novamente
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10-09-2004, 09:35 PM
workperfect workperfect is offline
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Originally Posted by rds_correia
Ou vc tá usando o CCE ou tá usando o FreeEnc
Vai se decidir
to usando os 2 e com os 2 ta dando pau..virus num tem agora o div fix vo usa aki...

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10-09-2004, 09:39 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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Se o DivFix não resultar vai ter de tentar com outro filme e vai ter de postar o log do DIKO.
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10-09-2004, 11:03 PM
workperfect workperfect is offline
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Originally Posted by rds_correia
Se o DivFix não resultar vai ter de tentar com outro filme e vai ter de postar o log do DIKO.
aqui esta o log:
[code:1:e18a820e18]00:00:48 - DIKO GOLD 1.46 B3
00:00:48 - -----------------------------------------------------
00:00:48 - *************************
00:00:48 - * Getting movie info... *
00:00:48 - *************************
00:00:48 - -----------------
00:00:48 - Processing Movie 0:C:\Downloads\DCC-IRC\filme.avi+
00:00:48 - Script Template: scripts\avi\DialhotV4.avs
00:00:48 - This movie will be converted to 23,976000
00:00:48 - Progressive Width: 640 Height 288 A.R.: 2,222222 Framerate: 25,000000 Dest. Framerate: 23,976000 Frames: 67547
00:00:48 - Audio type: 8192 (AC3), channels: 5 Frequency: 48000 Hz Bitrate 448 kbps
00:00:48 - Audio is 5.1 AC3 and will be config.downmixed do 2.0.
00:00:48 - Calculated Audio size: 38,517440 Mb
00:00:48 - ***************************
00:00:48 - * Processing Subtitles... *
00:00:48 - ***************************
00:00:48 - creating subtitles style files...
00:00:48 - *******************
00:00:48 - * Calculations... *
00:00:48 - *******************
00:00:48 - Total audio space: 38,517440 Mb
00:00:48 - Media Size: 795 Mb
00:00:48 - Media count: 1
00:00:48 - Mux Overhead: 10 Mb
00:00:48 - Remaining space for video: 746,482560 Mb
00:00:48 - Total length: 46,954593 minutes
00:00:48 - Desired Sample Size: 7,005279 Mb QFactor Adjust used: 0,900000
00:00:48 - **********************************
00:00:48 - * Initiating prediction phase... *
00:00:48 - **********************************
00:00:48 - Encoding with maximmum Q factor: 40
00:01:42 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 2,500000 Mb
00:01:42 -
00:01:52 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 2,500000 Mb
00:01:52 - Encoding with medium Q factor: 20
00:02:37 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 2,500000 Mb
00:02:37 -
00:02:47 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 2,500000 Mb
00:02:47 - Sample is smaller than desired sample. QMedium=QMax.
00:02:47 - Encoding with minimmum Q factor: 1
00:03:25 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 2,750000 Mb
00:03:25 -
00:03:35 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 2,750000 Mb
00:03:35 - -------------------------------------------
00:03:35 - Final Q factor: 1
00:03:35 - *********************
00:03:35 - * Encoding Video... *
00:03:35 - *********************
00:03:35 - Re-Creating movies scripts without sampler for Full Encode
00:03:35 - Encoding... Please Wait this can take many hours depending on your processor.
00:03:35 - Processing Movie 0:C:\Downloads\DCC-IRC\filme.avi+
00:28:45 - Enabling pulldown flag... Command-line:
00:28:45 - pulldown.exe "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\movie0.mpv" "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\pd_movie0.mpv"
00:28:45 -

00:29:40 - Pulldown Sucessfull. Deleting original file and renaming the pulled-down one.
00:30:00 - ********************
00:30:00 - * Audio extraction *
00:30:00 - ********************
00:30:00 - Extracting audio from the movie with AVI2WAV. Command-line:
00:30:00 - avi2wav\avi2wavcmd.exe "C:\Downloads\DCC-IRC\filme.avi" "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\extract0a.wav"
00:31:22 - ---------------------------------------
00:31:22 - ********************************
00:31:22 - * Initiating audio encoding... *
00:31:22 - ********************************
00:31:22 - Processing Movie 0:C:\Downloads\filme.avi+
00:31:22 - ------------------

00:31:22 - Fix errors and remove WAV header using AC3Fix from file 1. Command-line:
00:31:22 - dvdauthor\ac3fix.exe "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\extract0a.wav" "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\temp0a.ac3"
00:32:25 - Using BeSweet to transcode, change FPS or frequency as needed. Command-line:

00:32:25 - besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\list.lst" -output "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\movie0.mp2" -logfilea "C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\log.txt" -2ch ) -azid( -s surround2 -g max -L -3db ) -soundtouch( -rate -4.0960 ) -ota( -fs 48000 -g max ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -mp2enc( -m d -b 112 )
BeSweet v1.5b29 by DSPguru.
Using VOBInput.dll v1.3 by DVD2SVCD (http://www.dvd2svcd.org)
Using hip.dll v1.19 by Myers Carpenter <myers@users.sf.net>
Using azid.dll v1.9 (b922) by Midas (midas@egon.gyaloglo.hu).
Using Shibatch.dll v0.24 by Naoki Shibata & DSPguru (shibatch.sourceforge.net).
Using SoundTouch.dll v1.21 by Olli Parviainen (www.iki.fi/oparviai/soundtouch).
Using MP2enc.dll v1.129 (23/5/2002), Engine 1.129 <http://www.cdex.n3.net>.

Logging start : 10/10/04 , 00:32:26.

besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\list.lst -output C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\movie0.mp2 -logfilea C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\log.txt -2ch ) -azid( -s surround2 -g max -L -3db ) -soundtouch( -rate -4.0960 ) -ota( -fs 48000 -g max ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -mp2enc( -m d -b 112 )

[00:00:00:000] +------- BeSweet -----
[00:00:00:000] | Input : C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\list.lst
[00:00:00:000] | Output: C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[00:00:00:000] | Input : C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\temp0a.ac3
[00:00:00:000] | Output: C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\Temp\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] +-------- AZID -------
[00:00:00:000] | Input Channels Mode: 3/2, Bitrate: 448kbps
[00:00:00:000] | Output Stereo mode: Dolby surround 2 compatible
[00:00:00:000] | Total Gain: 0.000dB, Compression: None
[00:00:00:000] | LFE levels: To LR -3.0dB, To LFE 0.0dB
[00:00:00:000] | Center mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:000] | Surround mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:000] | Dialog normalization: No
[00:00:00:000] | Rear channels filtering: No
[00:00:00:000] +------ Shibatch -----
[00:00:00:000] | Source Sample-Rate: 48.0KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Dest. Sample-Rate: 44.1KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Attenuation : 0.0db
[00:00:00:000] +----- SoundTouch ----
[00:00:00:000] | Pitch : 0 semitones
[00:00:00:000] | Tempo : 0 percents
[00:00:00:000] | Rate : -4 percents
[00:00:00:000] | AA-Filter : Yes
[00:00:00:000] | Quick Mode : No
[00:00:00:000] +------- MP2ENC ------
[00:00:00:000] | Bitrate method : CBR
[00:00:00:000] | MP2 bitrate : 112
[00:00:00:000] | Channels Mode : Dual Channel
[00:00:00:000] | Error Protection: No
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[00:43:27.834] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0.2dB)
[00:43:27.861] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0.3dB)
[00:43:27.941] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0.4dB)
[00:50:36.320] E7: CRC error
[00:50:36.320] E7: CRC error
[00:50:36.320] E7: CRC error
[00:50:36.320] E7: CRC error
[00:50:38.336] E7: CRC error
[00:50:38.336] E7: CRC error
[00:50:38.336] E7: CRC error
[00:50:38.336] E7: CRC error
[00:50:38.336] E7: CRC error
[00:50:38.336] E7: CRC error
[00:50:43.328] E7: CRC error
[00:50:43.328] E7: CRC error
[00:50:43.328] E7: CRC error
[00:50:45.568] E7: CRC error
[00:50:45.568] E7: CRC error
[00:50:45.568] E7: CRC error
[00:50:45.568] E7: CRC error
[00:50:49.120] E7: CRC error
[00:50:49.120] E7: CRC error
[00:50:49.120] E7: CRC error
[00:50:49.248] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:50.528] E7: CRC error
[00:50:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:50:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:50:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:50:54.400] E7: CRC error
[00:50:54.400] E7: CRC error
[00:50:54.400] E7: CRC error
[00:50:54.400] E7: CRC error
[00:12:13:536] Stream error : Sync found after 14298 bytes
[00:50:59.808] E7: CRC error
[00:50:59.808] E7: CRC error
[00:50:59.808] E7: CRC error
[00:50:59.808] E7: CRC error
[00:50:59.808] E7: CRC error
[00:50:59.808] E7: CRC error
[00:50:59.808] E7: CRC error
[00:51:00.064] E7: CRC error
[00:51:00.064] E7: CRC error
[00:51:00.064] E7: CRC error
[00:51:00.064] E7: CRC error
[00:51:00.064] E7: CRC error
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[00:51:00.064] E7: CRC error
[00:51:03.168] E7: CRC error
[00:51:03.168] E7: CRC error
[00:51:03.168] E7: CRC error
[00:51:03.168] E7: CRC error
[00:51:03.168] E7: CRC error
[00:51:03.168] E7: CRC error
[00:12:22:944] Stream error : Sync found after 3572 bytes
[00:51:04.576] E7: CRC error
[00:51:04.576] E7: CRC error
[00:51:04.576] E7: CRC error
[00:51:04.576] E7: CRC error
[00:51:04.576] E7: CRC error
[00:51:08.096] E7: CRC error
[00:51:08.096] E7: CRC error
[00:51:09.312] E7: CRC error
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[00:51:09.312] E7: CRC error
[00:51:09.312] E7: CRC error
[00:51:09.312] E7: CRC error
[00:12:30:208] Stream error : Sync found after 19691 bytes
[00:51:10.432] E7: CRC error
[00:51:10.432] E7: CRC error
[00:51:10.432] E7: CRC error
[00:51:10.432] E7: CRC error
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[00:51:58.336] E7: CRC error
[00:51:58.336] E7: CRC error
[00:51:58.336] E7: CRC error
[00:52:43.584] E7: CRC error
[00:52:43.584] E7: CRC error
[00:52:43.584] E7: CRC error
[00:52:43.584] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:53:47.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:31.520] E7: CRC error
[00:16:54:608] Stream error : Sync found after 8668 bytes
[00:55:35.168] E7: CRC error
[00:55:35.168] E7: CRC error
[00:55:35.264] E7: CRC error
[00:55:35.264] E7: CRC error
[00:55:35.264] E7: CRC error
[00:55:35.264] E7: CRC error
[00:55:35.264] E7: CRC error
[00:55:45.984] E7: CRC error
[00:55:45.984] E7: CRC error
[00:55:45.984] E7: CRC error
[00:55:45.984] E7: CRC error
[00:55:45.984] E7: CRC error
[00:17:09:472] Stream error : Sync found after 7676 bytes
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:47.584] E7: CRC error
[00:55:50.304] E7: CRC error
[00:55:50.304] E7: CRC error
[00:55:50.304] E7: CRC error
[00:55:50.304] E7: CRC error
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[00:55:50.304] E7: CRC error
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[00:55:50.304] E7: CRC error
[00:55:50.304] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:55:55.968] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.112] E7: CRC error
[00:17:26:752] Stream error : Sync found after 5358 bytes
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:02.624] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.392] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.392] E7: CRC error
[00:17:48:448] Stream error : Sync found after 16099 bytes
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:23.808] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.000] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:24.352] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.056] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:25.824] E7: CRC error
[00:56:26.912] E7: CRC error
[00:17:53:568] Stream error : Sync found after 10736 bytes
[00:56:27.008] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.008] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.008] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.008] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.136] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.136] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.136] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.136] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.136] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.136] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.200] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.392] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.392] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.392] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.392] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.744] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:27.776] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.384] E7: CRC error
[00:17:57:696] Stream error : Sync found after 31343 bytes
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:28.768] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.248] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.504] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.504] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.504] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.504] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.504] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.504] E7: CRC error
[00:56:29.504] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:30.112] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.072] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.424] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:31.584] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:32.512] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.184] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.184] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.184] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.184] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.376] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.376] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.376] E7: CRC error
[00:56:33.376] E7: CRC error
[00:18:06:304] Stream error : Sync found after 35775 bytes
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.688] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:34.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:35.456] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.224] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.544] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.672] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.672] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.672] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.672] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.672] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.672] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.672] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.736] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.736] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.736] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.736] E7: CRC error
[00:56:36.736] E7: CRC error
[00:18:12:384] Stream error : Sync found after 12532 bytes
[00:56:37.440] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.440] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.600] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.600] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.600] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.600] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.600] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.664] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.664] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.664] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.792] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.792] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.792] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.792] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.920] E7: CRC error
[00:56:37.920] E7: CRC error
[00:18:14:080] Stream error : Sync found after 8930 bytes
[00:56:38.048] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.048] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.048] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.048] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.048] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.080] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.080] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.080] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.080] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.080] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.080] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.304] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.304] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.304] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.528] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.752] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.784] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.784] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.784] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.784] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.784] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:38.912] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:39.360] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.008] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.008] E7: CRC error
[00:18:21:344] Stream error : Sync found after 5182 bytes
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:43.712] E7: CRC error
[00:56:45.696] E7: CRC error
[00:56:45.696] E7: CRC error
[00:56:45.696] E7: CRC error
[00:56:45.696] E7: CRC error
[00:56:45.696] E7: CRC error
[00:56:45.696] E7: CRC error
[00:56:46.208] E7: CRC error
[00:56:46.208] E7: CRC error
[00:56:46.208] E7: CRC error
[00:56:46.208] E7: CRC error
[00:56:46.208] E7: CRC error
[00:56:46.208] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:56:56.160] E7: CRC error
[00:57:20.448] E7: CRC error
[00:57:20.448] E7: CRC error
[00:57:20.448] E7: CRC error
[00:57:20.448] E7: CRC error
[00:57:20.448] E7: CRC error
[00:57:20.448] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:13.792] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:47.840] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[00:58:52.288] E7: CRC error
[01:01:49.045] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0.2dB)
[01:02:53.232] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0dB)
[01:02:53.274] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0.3dB)
[01:02:53.301] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0dB)
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:32.096] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:35.584] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:37.888] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:39.616] E7: CRC error
[01:13:46.080] W7: Downmix overflow (1: +0.8dB)
[01:13:46.101] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0dB)
[01:13:46.106] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0dB)
[01:13:46.128] W7: Downmix overflow (1: +0.7dB)
[01:13:46.138] W7: Downmix overflow (1: +0.3dB)
[01:13:46.176] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0.1dB)
[01:13:46.208] W7: Downmix overflow (0: +0dB)
[01:14:38.368] E7: CRC error
[01:14:38.368] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
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[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
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[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
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[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
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[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
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[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
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[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
[01:15:14.848] E7: CRC error
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10-11-2004, 03:43 AM
workperfect workperfect is offline
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10-11-2004, 06:50 AM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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Tá sumido heim? Pessoal, o workperfect fez o design da nova interface do DIKO para quem não sabe. Parece que cheguei tarde demais pra ajudar. É sempre bom passar um DivFix antes, talvez eu torne isso automatico no futuro.
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