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05-25-2004, 08:31 AM
VitorSM VitorSM is offline
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Quando o DIKO comeca a fazer os calculos de predicao, o eclcce passa direto.. vejam o tempo que demora pra fazer o encode.. mt rapido, e o arquivo fica pequeno tambem... nao sei porque isto esta acontecendo... reinstalei o DIKO e os programas que sao usados, mas continua...

Alguma solução?

QFactor Adjust used: 1
10:24:59 - **********************************
10:24:59 - * Initiating prediction phase... *
10:24:59 - **********************************
10:24:59 - Encoding with maximmum Q factor: 45
10:24:59 - Creating new ECL...
10:24:59 - Encoding sample for movie0...
10:24:59 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : cce_templ\svcd.tem
10:25:07 - Filesize: 0.788265Mb
10:25:07 - Total Resulting Filesize: 0.788265Mb
10:25:07 - Encoding with medium Q factor: 22
10:25:07 - Creating new ECL...
10:25:07 - Encoding sample for movie0...
10:25:07 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : cce_templ\svcd.tem
10:25:09 - Filesize: 0.839787Mb
10:25:09 - Total Resulting Filesize: 0.839787Mb
10:25:09 - Sample is smaller than desired sample. QMedium=QMax.
10:25:09 - Encoding with minimmum Q factor: 1
10:25:09 - Creating new ECL...
10:25:09 - Encoding sample for movie0...
10:25:09 - Adding to ECL movie 0 based on : cce_templ\svcd.tem
10:25:12 - Filesize: 1.16239Mb
10:25:12 - Total Resulting Filesize: 1.16239Mb
10:25:12 - -------------------------------------------
10:25:12 - Final Q factor: 1
10:25:12 - Re-Creating movies scripts without sampler for Full Encode
10:25:12 - Generating script for movie 0 based on : scripts\DivX-Xvid.avs
10:25:12 - Encoding... Please Wait this can take many hours depending on your
10:25:12 - Processing movie 0:
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Someday, 12:01 PM
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05-25-2004, 09:15 AM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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O script deve estar dando erro. Abra o arquivo movie0.avs no virtualdub e poste o erro.
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05-25-2004, 09:26 AM
VitorSM VitorSM is offline
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Avisynth open failure:
AviSource: Could not decompress frame 0
(D:\filmes\Movie0.avs, line 15)

o script:
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\asharp.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\atc.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\avsmon25a.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\blockbuster.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\Convolution3DYV12.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\DctFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\GripFit_YV12.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\MPEG2Dec3.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\MPEG2Dec3dg.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\Sampler.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\STMedianFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\UnDot.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("D:\kvcd\pinst\DIKO\avisynth plugins\VSFilter.dll")

# Script
Blockbuster(method="noise",detail_min=1,detail_max =3,variance=0.1,seed=1)
Convolution3D(1, 6, 12, 6, 8, 2.8, 0)
DivXResize(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, "LanczosResize",WIDESCREEN)
#Blockbuster(method="noise",detail_min=1,detail_ma x=10,variance=0.3,seed=5623)

# Functions
function AddAudio(clip v1) {
v2 = Blankclip()
v1 = AudioDub(v1,v2)
return v1
Function DivXResize(clip c, int WIDTH, int HEIGHT, int OVERSCAN, string RESIZER, int widescreen) {
halfheight43=(widescreen==1)&&(ratio>1.7777) ? (round(c.width()/1.77777)-c.height())/2 : halfheight43

#Crop to fullscreen it this has been asked
fullscreen_cropper=round ((c.width()-(c.height()*1.33333) ) /2)
f_c_mod=fullscreen_cropper % 2
fullscreen_cropper=( f_c_mod == 1) ? (fullscreen_cropper+1) : fullscreen_cropper
c= (widescreen == 2) ? c.crop(fullscreen_cropper,0,(c.width()-2*fullscreen_cropper),0): c

#What would be the height keeping the aspect ratio if width was 640/320-NTSC or 768/384-PAL(4:3)
#4:3 (option 0 and 2)
no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 480) ? (640*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1
no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 240) ? (320*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1

no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 576) ? (768*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1
no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 28 ? (384*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1

#anamorphic (option 1)
no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 480)&&(widescreen==1)&&(ratio>1.7777) ? (848*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1
no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 240)&&(widescreen==1)&&(ratio>1.7777) ? (424*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1

no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 576)&&(widescreen==1)&&(ratio>1.7777) ? (1024*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1
no_borders_height1=(HEIGHT == 28&&(widescreen==1)&&(ratio>1.7777) ? (512*c.height())/(c.width()) : no_borders_height1

#Now how much we have to shrink to make it fit inside a macroblock?
mod16height=no_borders_height1 % 16

#If the rest is <=8, subtracts the rest, else, completes to 16.
completion= (mod16height <= ? (-mod16height) : (16-mod16height)

#finally resize
c=Eval( RESIZER + "(c," + string(WIDTH) + "," + string(no_borders_height2) + ")" )

#add lateral overscan

Function DivXBorders(clip c, int HEIGHT, int OVERSCAN) {
#Add vertical overscan
c=letterbox(c,overscan*8,overscan*8,overscan*8,ove rscan*
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05-25-2004, 10:17 AM
VitorSM VitorSM is offline
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Abri o arquivo,escola1.avi, no virtual dub, quando abre da aquele erro de vbr, mas depois eu clico em play e da o erro:
Error decompressing video frame: 0
an unknow error has ocurred (may be corrupt data)
(error code -100)

mas quando abro com o windowsmediaplayer o arquivo esta ok... tentei no virtualdub recomprimir o video e da o mesmo erro... passei o divfix e nao acha erro nenhum..

testei outros arquivos aqui e ta ok o diko.. so ta dando problema com esse agora... tem como fixar este arquivo??
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05-25-2004, 11:02 AM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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Isso acontece pq vc não tem o codec necessário. Lembre-se que codec e filtro directshow (usado pra tocar o filme) não é a mesma coisa. Abra o filme no GSpot e veja qual o codec do vídeo.
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05-25-2004, 11:23 AM
VitorSM VitorSM is offline
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o codec é o XVID, e ele diz que ja tem 3 codecs instalados.
xvid mpeg4 codec
ffdshow mpeg4 video decoder
xvid mpeg4 video decoder

abri outro video para comparacao e a informacao do codec e a mesma. e com o outro video da pra converter sem problema!

peguei o xvid novo (XviD-1.0-RC4-05042004.exe) quando abre no virtual dub aparece a segunte mensagem:
Warning: Nothing to output brframe decoder lag
isso pode causar algum problema??
vou tentar fazer a conversao e posto o resultado..

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05-25-2004, 01:04 PM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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Essa não é a última versão do XVid! Atualize com essa aqui:

Quanto ao output frame lag, não tem muito o que fazer, mas tb quase não dá pra perceber quando toca o filme.
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