Need a suggestion for a good audio conversion utility.
Here's my problem: I archive all my Audio CDs to lossless data, with the FLAC Codec.
I just got a very small MP3 player for the kids (yeah, right
), actually it looks more like a memory flash stick (64MB),
and it plays MP3 and WMA.
The problem is that I tried using CDex for conversion, and it doesn't open FLAC files.
Not like OggDrop, where I can select all FLAC files, and drop them into OggDrop.
So I'm looking for a utility that will basically let me open the FLAC files and encode the batch to WMA.
BTW, the Windows Media Encoder version 9 does a pretty damn good job at 64Kbps
I compared the audio to an Ogg Vorbis at the same bitrate, and I can't really tell the difference.
Below 64Kbps, Vorbis has an edge, but at ~64Kbps, I think both encoders are a match.