Originally Posted by Zyphon
Is it best to use CCE for KDVD?
CCE is an encoder. KDVD is a format/method specification
If you meant CCE or TMPEG, for low bitrates TMPEG will give you better results. As you are trying to put teo movies on one DVD, I would use TMPEG with KDVD Full D-1 template, and change the resolution to 704x480 with 2 overscan blocks. Use MovieStacket to get your correct values, and also use the MA script.
Is Calcumatic the best way to predict the final size of both DVD's?
CalcuMatic is a bitrate calculator
It will give you the correct average bitrate.
If you meant CQMatic, well, it's a russian roulette
90% of the times, you'll get your correct file size. The other 10%, it will fail miserably, thanks to TMPEG's non-linear CQ curve.
If you have a lot of time to spare and because your target is MPEG-2, and you have CCE, then by all means go 2-pass with CCE so you get your target file size correct.
Even TMPEG doesn't work correctly in 2-pass mode, as recently reported