Originally Posted by the viking
Is it possible to add more than one movie clip in the
same script?The point is to get one mpeg file out of the clips.
And if yes,will it be something like this:
a=AviSource("C:\Movie 1.avi")
b=AviSource("C:\Movie 2.avi") and so on??
Yes it is.
You just have to generete a merged clip after all the "avisource" by using the "++" operator.
a=AviSource("C:\Movie 1.avi")
b=AviSource("C:\Movie 2.avi")
c=AviSource("C:\Movie 3.avi")
All movie must have the same resolution (else you can use a=avisource().Bicubicresize()... to have a, b and c having the same reso before to reach the ++ line).
Yes it is but it's not exactly like this.
and will the line be something like this:
b=trim(3333,888,(9999,9999) ??
a=AviSource("C:\Movie 1.avi")
b=AviSource("C:\Movie 2.avi")
trim(a,24,3524)++trim(a,5678,12345)++trim(b,3333,8 88
Read the manual, you will see that all commands have a first optional parameter called "clip" where you can give the name of the clip that will be affected by the command. By default it's the last one produced.
EDIT: inc, no need to use "return" if not in a function. and it's better to use ++ than + if the clip has sound (see AlignedSplice and UnalignSplice in the doc)