Quantcast Avisynth: Tweaking for Same Compression and Quality, but Faster? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
03-03-2003, 06:56 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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How could I tweak my .avs that it would have the same compressibility and quality but it would be faster, it´s taking about 15 hours for a 1,5 hour film to encode, here´s my script,

LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\Mpeg2dec.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\GripFit_Preview.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\LegalClip.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\Sampler.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\convolution3d")
LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\DustV5.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\TemporalCleaner.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\KVCD Converting\Filters\DctFilter_YUY2.dll")

avisource("E:\-=[ CACHE ]=-\Reign_of_Fire_(2002).XviD.DMT.ShareReactor.avi")

GripCrop(width=704, height=576, overscan=2)


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Someday, 12:01 PM
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03-04-2003, 02:27 AM
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hi CheronAph ( the friend with "it" avatar )

"GripCrop(width=704, height=576, overscan=2)"
704x576 is too big!
and taking about 15 hours for a 1,5 hour film to encode,
is not too slow.

what's your cpu?
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03-04-2003, 03:16 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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I have P3 1 GHz.
Too big, why, the result was 700 MB videofile, CQ was 65!
I´m open to any suggestions how to improve the quality!
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03-04-2003, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by CheronAph
I have P3 1 GHz.
Too big, why, the result was 700 MB videofile, CQ was 65!
I´m open to any suggestions how to improve the quality!
700 mb videofile with CQ 65 : good!

why is too big?
the size.... 704x576 is cool but is too big (i think)

P3 1 GHz :
with p3 1 ghz and this size(704x576)
it would not be much faster (15 hours).

if you want improve time and got good quality too
change to 480x480/576 or better
352x480/576....the time to encode will be short and
with more CQ you got the size(700mb)

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03-04-2003, 06:25 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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Ok, I´ll give it a try!
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03-09-2003, 10:59 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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Where do I get this 480x576 template or will I use another template and rezise it in the script somehow, can you give me an example?
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03-09-2003, 11:04 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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Originally Posted by CheronAph
Where do I get this 480x576 template or will I use another template and rezise it in the script somehow, can you give me an example?
don't you know where are all templates?


and lot more there!!!!!
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03-09-2003, 11:06 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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Yes I know where to get them but I don´t see a 480x576 template, I´m sorry if I´m being a dummy again
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03-09-2003, 11:11 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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Originally Posted by CheronAph
Yes I know where to get them but I don´t see a 480x576 template, I´m sorry if I´m being a dummy again
what template do you want to change to 480x576 ?
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03-09-2003, 11:13 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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I really don´t know, whatever gives me great quality!
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03-09-2003, 11:16 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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Originally Posted by CheronAph
I really don´t know, whatever gives me great quality!
one more question,i forgot

is ntsc or pal?
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03-09-2003, 11:18 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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Pal, and thanks for helping me friend!
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03-09-2003, 11:52 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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this is the kvcdx3mpeg1 528x576pal original Kwag.

i only change to 480x576,ok?

open your notepad,copy and paste and save as:

KVCDx3MPEG1-PAL 480x576.mcf


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is easy to change the resolution,and you can do it easy in all templates.
see this :

MPEG.Video.Width = 480

before i change the resolution was:

MPEG.Video.Width = 528
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03-09-2003, 11:56 AM
CheronAph CheronAph is offline
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Thanks, I´ll give it a go!
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