Originally Posted by CheronAph
@ incredible
I don´t get it, I used your script,
480x576 mpeg1
bitrates 64 ~ 3000
lenght 98 minutes
audio 128
CQ 63,160

What do you mean?
Well, first look at the movie. If its a Movie including high action scenes?
Or does it contain almost only calm scenes?
My Movie sample "Rendezvous with Joe Black" does not contain action szenes like StarWars for example thats one advantage for very low bitrate encoding. For "Pet Sementary" I would assume a max of 1900 or 2000.
But anyway ... 98 Minutes are not a lot and we can rise your quality if the quality of the source is good.
What's the condition of your source? good or bad (noisy).
The pic looks already very treated (I can see this in very soften parts of the ladys hair). Thats not a DVD Source right? Seems to be an Avi.
I do determine the my max bitrate of CQ by feeling. But you also can try Kwags advice to take a 20sec sample of the highest "bright" action scene of your movie, encoding it at CQ 90. Open the Sample using BitrateViewer and watch the Birate peak, there you can see how much max. bitrate is really needed and thats the value u set at max Bitrate in CQ Mode. Afterwards do your prediction.
The movie in my samples used a max bitrate of 1800kbit and every scene was fine.
As I see in your script you used ONLY STmedian's spatial settings.
Try also to add a ...
TemporalSoften(1,3,5,3,2) # if source gots less noise or
TemporalSoften(2,5,8,5,2) # if source contains more noise
... after StMedianfilter
And although you got that bad quality the side borders of your encode are too big! Maybe they fit the overscan of your Tv but mine would show some parts of the borders you can see in your sample.
or use a MA script including Deen for spatial noisefiltering instead of StMedian:
nf = 0
# asharp(1, 4) # only on good noiseless sources, activating this on bad sources the noise will be boosted even more
deen("a2d",2,10,15) # the last two values stand for luma and chroma threshold - you can finetune this
SwitchThreshold = (Width<=352) ? 4 : (Width<=480) ? 3 : 2
ScriptClip("nf = YDifferenceToNext()"+chr(13)+ "nf >= SwitchThreshold ? \
unfilter( -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)), -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)) ) : \
TemporalSoften( fmin( round(2/nf), 6), round(1/nf) , round(3/nf) , 1, 1) ")
LetterBox(16,16,16,16) # 16px are macroblock based and enough
## Functions ###
function fmin( int f1, int f2) {
return ( f1<f2 ) ? f1 : f2