Hi BP,
Quick question: Does your provider give you free web space with your account
If so, I have good news for you
You only need to register a domain name. I use registerfree.com
After that, you register an account (for free!) at
Then it's as easy as "cloaking" your registered domain name and point it to your provider
For example, say your personal web space at your ISP is
Then, you only need to add an entry at zoneedit like:
www.blackprince.com -> http://www.comcast.net.com/~bp
Then when someone tried to access
www.blackprince.com, it gets redirected to
http://www.comcast.net.com/~bp but the user sees
It's as easy as that.
If you want to go really cheap (actually 100% free!), and you don't need a domain name, then just register at
www.dyndns.org and get add a DNS entry that you can point from zoneedit. Like
Then redirect that name at zoneedit.com, and everyone will reach you there, actually at your provider's personal web space