Originally Posted by kwag
I dumped pfSense at home for this, on a WRT54G v1.0.

Then it's because it surely is GOOD.
So if anyone wants to convert a cheap WRT54G router into s $800.00+ router, get yourself one of these, and flash it with the "Tomato" firmware 
NOTE: The WRT54G or WRT54GS must be version 1.x to 4.x
The newer models, v5.x and 6.x, are trash!
Yeah but where will I find these v1.x to v4.x here in Portugal/Europe.
I would gladly buy from USA but then I would have to pay for extra shipping $ plus I would have to pay for customs.
So instead of ~$120 I'd probably pay ~$250.
That's a lot of dough we're talking about here.
And then I would have to get rid of my net4521 which won't be easy and that already cost me a lot of $ not so long ago.
I guess I'll keep pfsense at work on a more powerful PC and I'll stick to m0n0wall on my home soekris even if I have to sacrifice QoS because of that.
But thanks for the tip, though.
Cheers buddy