As I told you in the "optimal scripts" forum, a source mov of 60 fps sounds really odd!
In mencoder (as I know) an internal quicktime decoder engine is integrated, means if the mov source is correctly done, a normal encoding to its 29.97 is possible.
to get these 29.97 to pal you got TWO options.
- 1. via a fieldbased conversion incl. blendings where a 25fps as still interlaced would come out
I do think only avisynth can handle that.
- 2. via Scharfis_Brains 60ito24p function using a FULL fieldrate deinterlacer before, to get that stream to 23.976 progressive incl. motionblur effect = Filmlook.
These 23.976 will be then pitched up to 25.000 incl pitching up the sound for shure.
Also here only avisynth can handle that.
So the way via "makeavis" in that case IMHO is unevitable.