Quantcast DVD2SVCD: How to Set Path for Filters, like Latest Adaptive Filters? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
07-15-2004, 09:12 PM
melmo melmo is offline
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Using D2S 1.2.2 build 1. Setup avisynth.ini as instructed by Dialhot (Phil) with the 4 frameserver choices. They show up fine in D2S.

Three questions:

1) How do I tell D2S which script to use for the current job, is it just whichever one happens to be selected in the pulldown arrow of the Frameserver tab?
2) How do I tell D2S the paths of the new filters I just downloaded, like Deen, GripCrop, etc? There are only 4 paths listed on the bottom half of my Frameserver tab; these are probably the ones that came with D2S.
3) Is there any way to tell D2S to use the SKVCD template (or KVCDx3) instead of the one it's using by default? Where does the template it's using come from, TMPGEnc builtin?

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07-16-2004, 03:43 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by melmo
1) How do I tell D2S which script to use for the current job, is it just whichever one happens to be selected in the pulldown arrow of the Frameserver tab?
Yes it is.
2) How do I tell D2S the paths of the new filters I just downloaded, like Deen, GripCrop, etc?
No need of that. Avisynth will take automatically all plugins that are in the "plugin" directory under the one where you have installed avisynth ("c:\program file\avisynth2.5"). So you just have to copy the dll of the plugins there.

3) Is there any way to tell D2S to use the SKVCD template (or KVCDx3) instead of the one it's using by default?
There is no way to automatically use the KVCDx3 resolution. D2S knows only the official ones and stops to 480*480. So you will have to stick to that or to edit manually the script before the video is encoded if you want to use 544*480 (see that choice in the frameserver tab)

Where does the template it's using come from, TMPGEnc builtin?
No you MUST set all the parameters of the template in the different configuration screens of DVD2SVCD. That is :
- the kvcd-Notch Matrix in the "matrixes" tab
- the GOP struture in... I don't remember which tab but you will find it !
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