not heard of them players but I have others i may be able to use- script is below.
## DLL Section ##
LoadPlugin("O:\Programs\TOK\Avisynthscripts&DLLs\M PEG2Dec3.dll")
#LoadPlugin("O:\Programs\TOK\Avisynthscripts&DLLs\ GripFit_YV12.dll")
LoadPlugin("O:\Programs\TOK\Avisynthscripts&DLLs\S TMedianFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("O:\Programs\TOK\Avisynthscripts&DLLs\a sharp.dll")
LoadPlugin("O:\Programs\TOK\Avisynthscripts&DLLs\u nfilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("O:\Programs\TOK\Avisynthscripts&DLLs\u ndot.dll")
## Main section and static filters ###
#GripCrop(352, 240, overscan=1, source_anamorphic=false)
asharp(1, 4)
STMedianFilter(3, 3, 1, 1 )
## Linear Motion Adaptive Filtering ##
# ( Portions from AviSynth's manual )
# This will apply variable temporalsoften
# and variable blur.
# Both filters are active at all times, and work inversely proportional to the
# activity, measured from current frame to next frame.
ScriptClip(" nf = YDifferenceToNext()" +chr(13)+ "unfilter( -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)), -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)) ).TemporalSoften( fmin( round(2/nf), 6), round(1/nf) , round(3/nf) , 1, 1) ")
#LetterBox( Your_Values_Here ) # Depends on situation. Use MovieStacker!
## Functions ###
function fmin( int f1, int f2) {
return ( f1<f2 ) ? f1 : f2