Quantcast Bitrates: How Long (about) Should the Prediction Take? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
08-13-2004, 02:27 PM
m0rdant m0rdant is offline
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I'm using CQmatic for the first time. DVD rip of a 90 or so minute movie. Script came from MovieStacker using the VHS script (poor quality DVD picture). The 1st prediction pass took 34 minutes. It's now on the 6th pass and seems to have switched itself to the 3x method and now taking 3hrs for a pass. Is this right?

Otherwise seems pretty cool.

Thanks for any help.
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Someday, 12:01 PM
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08-13-2004, 03:19 PM
incredible incredible is offline
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As I know, in default 3000 frames are used for one pred. turn. So 34mins for 3000 frames is too much. BUT .. as Im not God, I dont know your CPU power, or if u used a bad cofigurated avisynth Script or whatever.

So .... we need infos!
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08-13-2004, 06:01 PM
m0rdant m0rdant is offline
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Sorry about that...should have added more detail.

I'm using an Athlon 2800, winXP, 256RAM

Here's the script I fed TMPGenc

#================================================= ===#
# --== AviSynth script by MovieStacker v2.1.0 ==-- #
#================================================= ===#
# #
# ~ Movie Title...: 5 Deady Venoms.d2v #
# ~ Movie Length..: 176100 frames (01:37:56) #
# ~ Size & Rate...: 720x480 @ 29.970 fps #
# ~ Dest Aspect...: ˝ DVD (352x480) #
# ~ Avg BitRate...: 991kbps (1x80min CD) #
# ~ Audio.........: 128kbps (90.87MB per CD) #
# #
#================================================= ===#

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec3dg.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\TomsMoComp.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\Convolution3D.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\STMedianFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\Old\LoadPluginEx2.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\Old\DustV5.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Video Tools\MovieStacker\Filters\DctFilter.dll")

Mpeg2Source("C:\Rip\5 Deady Venoms.d2v")
TomsMoComp(-1, 5, 1)
LanczosResize(352, 480, 8, 0, 704, 480)
STMedianFilter(8, 32, 0, 0)
UnFilter(50, 50)
DctFilter(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0)


and here's the tpr from TMPGenc

object TMPEGEncodeJobFile
Job.MPEG.Text = ''
Job.MPEG.WizardCategoryName = ''
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Job.MPEG.WizardAutoCalcVideoBitRate = False
Job.MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.EnableVideoSize = False
Job.MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.VideoSize = <
MinVideoBitRate = 0
Width = 240
Height = 480
VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive_32Pul ldown
FrameRate = 1
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MinVideoBitRate = 1000000
Width = 352
Height = 480
VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive_32Pul ldown
FrameRate = 1
AspectRatio = 2
Job.MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.EnableVideoGOP = False
Job.MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.VideoGOP = <
MinVideoBitRate = 0
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
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MinVideoBitRate = 700000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 25
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 800000
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GOP_P_FrameCount = 25
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 900000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 25
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1000000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 25
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1100000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 25
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1200000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
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GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1300000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 21
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1400000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 18
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1500000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 15
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1600000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 12
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1700000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 10
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1800000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 11
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 1900000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 10
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 2000000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 9
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 2100000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 8
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 2200000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 7
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 2300000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 6
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
MinVideoBitRate = 2400000
GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
GOP_P_FrameCount = 5
GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
Job.MPEG.OutputStreamType = MPEG_OutputStreamType_VideoOnly
Job.MPEG.OutputStreamType_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.StreamType = MPEGVideoEncoder_StreamType_MPEG2
Job.MPEG.Video.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.Width = 352
Job.MPEG.Video.Width_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.Height = 480
Job.MPEG.Video.Height_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.YUVFormat = 1
Job.MPEG.Video.YUVFormat_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.DC_prec = 2
Job.MPEG.Video.DC_prec_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive
Job.MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.FrameRate = 4
Job.MPEG.Video.FrameRate_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.AspectRatio = 2
Job.MPEG.Video.AspectRatio_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.RateControlMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_RateControlMode_CQ
Job.MPEG.Video.RateControlMode_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.MinBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.MinBitRate_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.CBR_BitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_MultipassVBRAlgorithm = MPEGVideoEncoder_MultipassVBRAlgorithm_MultipassCQ
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_AvgBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_MinBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxPassCount = 2
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_P = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_B = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.VBR_EnablePadding = False
Job.MPEG.Video.MVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.MVBR_MinBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_P = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_B = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.MVBR_EnablePadding = False
Job.MPEG.Video.AVBR_Quality = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.AVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.AVBR_MinBitRate = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.AVBR_EnablePadding = False
Job.MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality = 60
Job.MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_P = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_B = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.CQ_MaxBitRate = 2000000
Job.MPEG.Video.CQ_MinBitRate = 300000
Job.MPEG.Video.CQ_EnablePadding = True
Job.MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize = 114688
Job.MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval = 1
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount = 5823
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount = 2
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit = False
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount = 24
Job.MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.Profile = 4
Job.MPEG.Video.Profile_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.Level = 8
Job.MPEG.Video.Level_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.VideoFormat = 2
Job.MPEG.Video.VideoFormat_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Video.MotionSearchSpeed = MPEGVideoEncoder_MotionSearchSpeed_Slow
Job.MPEG.Video.MotionSearch_AlwaysHalfPel = True
Job.MPEG.Video.UseFloatDCT = True
Job.MPEG.Video.QuantizeMode = False
Job.MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_Intra = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_NonIntra = 0
Job.MPEG.Video.YUVBasicYCbCr = False
Job.MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra = {
08090C161A1B1D22090A0E1A1B1D22250C0E121B1D22252616 1A1B1F24252628
1A1B1D24272628301B1D22252628303A1D22252628303A4522 252628303A454F}
Job.MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra = {
10121416181A1C1E121416181A1C1E201416181A1C1E202216 181A1E20202224
181A1C20222224261A1C1E20222426281C1E202224262A2A1E 20222426282A2C}
Job.MPEG.Audio.StreamType = MPEGAudioEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1_Layer2
Job.MPEG.Audio.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency = 44100
Job.MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode = 2
Job.MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.CantUseMono = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.BitRate = 128000
Job.MPEG.Audio.BitRate_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType = 0
Job.MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.System.StreamType = MPEGSystemEncoder_StreamType_MPEG2_SuperVideoCD_VB R
Job.MPEG.System.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
Job.MPEG.System.EnableCommentText = False
Job.MPEG.System.CommentText = ''
Job.SourceList = <
Video.SourceFileName = 'C:\Rip\5 Deadly Venoms (CVD).avs'
Video.SourceRange.Enabled = False
Video.SourceRange.StartTime = 0
Video.SourceRange.EndTime = -1
Video.SourceRange.SubRangeList = <>
Video.SourceRange.LastSourceFileName = ''
Video.InterlaceImage = False
Video.TopFieldFirst = False
Video.AspectRatio = 13
Video.ImageArrange.ArrangeType = MPEGVideoConfig_ImageArrangeType_FullScreen_KeepAs pectRatio
Video.ImageArrange.Width = 320
Video.ImageArrange.Height = 240
Video.ImageArrange.FillColor = 0
Video.EnableNoiseReduction = False
Video.NoiseReduction = 20
Video.NoiseReductionRange = 1
Video.NoiseReduction3D = 20
Video.NoiseReduction3DHiCQ = False
Video.EnableEdgePower = False
Video.EdgePowerX = 0
Video.EdgePowerY = 0
Video.EdgePowerField = False
Video.EnableDeinterlace = False
Video.Deinterlace = VideoFilter_Deinterlace_None
Video.DeinterlaceEx.Enabled = False
Video.DeinterlaceEx.FrameRate1 = 4
Video.DeinterlaceEx.FrameRate2 = 5
Video.DeinterlaceEx.AutoProcess = False
Video.DeinterlaceEx.AutoType = MPEGEncodeJob_Source_Video_DeinterlaceEx_AutoType_ 24fps_Interlace
Video.DeinterlaceEx.AutoDeinterlaceType = MPEGEncodeJob_Source_Video_DeinterlaceEx_Auto_Dein terlace_Force
Video.DeinterlaceEx.AutoForceDeinterlaceType = VideoFilter_Deinterlace_None
Video.DeinterlaceEx.AutoDeinterlaceThreshold = 600
Video.DeinterlaceEx.List = {0600000000000000}
Video.DeinterlaceEx.Cache = {}
Video.Clipping.Enabled = True
Video.Clipping.Left = 6
Video.Clipping.Right = 6
Video.Clipping.Top = 108
Video.Clipping.Bottom = 106
Video.Clipping.LeftMask = True
Video.Clipping.RightMask = True
Video.Clipping.TopMask = True
Video.Clipping.BottomMask = True
Video.EnableGhostReduction = False
Video.GhostReduction = <>
Video.ColorCorrection.Enabled = False
Video.ColorCorrection.Brightness = 0
Video.ColorCorrection.Contrast = 0
Video.ColorCorrection.Gamma = 0
Video.ColorCorrection.RedContrast = 0
Video.ColorCorrection.BlueContrast = 0
Video.ColorCorrection.EnableCustom = False
Video.ColorCorrection.Customs = <>
Video.EnableForceIPict = False
Video.ForceIPict = <>
Video.AutoForceIPict = True
Video.AutoForceIPict_NewGroupMode = False
Video.Enable32Pulldown = False
Video.NoConvertFrameRate = False
Audio.SourceFileName = ''
Audio.SourceRange.Enabled = False
Audio.SourceRange.StartTime = 0
Audio.SourceRange.EndTime = -1
Audio.SourceRange.SubRangeList = <>
Audio.SourceRange.LastSourceFileName = ''
Audio.Effect.Enabled = False
Audio.Effect.EnableVolume = False
Audio.Effect.Volume = 1
Audio.Effect.EnableFadeIn = False
Audio.Effect.FadeInTime = 500
Audio.Effect.EnableFadeOut = False
Audio.Effect.FadeOutTime = 500
Job.OutputFileName = 'C:\Rip\5 Deadly Venoms (CVD).m2v'
Job.OutputFileType = MPEGEncodeJob_OutputFileType_MPEG
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.OutputFileName = ''
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.EnableVideo = False
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.VideoCodecHandler = 0
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.VideoKeyFrameRate = 0
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.VideoDataRate = 0
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.VideoQuality = 0
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.VideoEnableForceKeyFrame = False
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.VideoEnableForceCopyFrame = False
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.EnableAudio = False
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.InterleaveFrames = 0
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.VideoCodecConfig = {00000000}
Job.OutputConfig_AVI.AudioFormat = {00000000}
Job.OutputConfig_Wave.OutputFileName = ''
Job.OutputConfig_Wave.Format = {00000000}
Job.OutputConfig_Graphic.OutputType = MPEGEncodeJob_OutputGraphicConfig_OutputType_BMP
Job.OutputConfig_Graphic.OutputFileName = ''
Job.OutputConfig_Graphic.JPEGCompressionQuality = 80

I cancelled it and went and ran DVD2SKVCD with CQMatic for prediction but using the interlaced script it comes with. The calculation took only 45 minutes total (3 passes at 15 minutes each) this time, so it might have been the script...or maybe something about the way I setup TMPGenc. It seems to work fine through DVD2SKVCD though.
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08-14-2004, 08:45 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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With the script you used, the time is not a surprise...

Note: How can you use FaeryDust with avs2.5 ???
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08-14-2004, 08:53 AM
Boulder Boulder is offline
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Note: How can you use FaeryDust with avs2.5 ???
It's the LoadPluginEx2.dll. It allows you to load AVS 2.0x plugins in 2.5x, you'll just have to convert to YUY2 before using any of the Dust filters.
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08-14-2004, 09:15 AM
Fluffbutt Fluffbutt is offline
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Dialhot, it comes from here:

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08-14-2004, 10:17 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by Boulder
It's the LoadPluginEx2.dll. It allows you to load AVS 2.0x plugins in 2.5x, you'll just have to convert to YUY2 before using any of the Dust filters.
I know but I thought that you have to do a manual load of the plugin just before to use the 2.0x plugin and NOT let it in autoloading.
But I'm probably wrong...
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