I would like to be able, with command line tools where possible, to convert a 29.970 fps avi to 25 fps Pal.
I have managed to write a gui program which does all my conversions for me, swapping between frame rates and quality with a couple of button clicks, but have been unsuccessful in converting the above framerate.
I have Besweet, VirtualDub, VirtualDub Mod, AviSynth 2.5 and that kind of thing if these can be used?
I tried writing an avs file that told virtualdub mod to read the audio and video as 25 fps and timestretch the audio but when I tried automating this with the virtualdub script it wouldn`t open the virtualdub script itself.
Then I tried besweet ripping the avi audio to mp2 at a video framerate converted to 25 fps but this fails. Can anyone advise please