720*480 is a direct NTSC D1 Resolution means a poor mans wrong encoding direct from capture or DVD to NON PAR 1:1 which is NOT used by mpeg4 in general:
720/480 = 1.5:1 *wow*
And the known ARs are mostly 2.35:1, 1.85:1, 1.78:1 or 1.33:1
so 720x540 or 640x480 for instance would be one of the right ones (if 1.33:1 movie is encoded)
I got some AVI files that claimed themselves high quality. They were encoded by MS MPEG4V2.
And as these words do say everything but NOT that you did the captures by yourself Im unhappy to say that THESE do smell like downloaded Movies. Cause NTSC captures encoded to mpeg4 mostly are done at PAR 1:1 like to 640x480 NTSC TV.
So if you do encode a movie BY YOURSELF using a given mpeg4 codec, then for shure its also installed on your system to decode also.
See the logic