Originally Posted by Prodater64
Any valid opinion?
I did only one test so I can't really classify the matrix but it is as I said in french : just an other matrix.
I still use the KVCD one. And you should look more in dark areas IMHO.
(note: a lot of matrix give filesize smaller than KVCD-Notch. It is not aimed to reduce the filesize, but to reduce the artefacts).
More accurate opinion was given by Inc in moderator's section :
Originally Posted by Incredible
I checked the Matrix, it does significantly cut more high frequencies. Thats why it results in more compression (just imho). To obtain an even more higher compression on KVCD/Bach1 etc. just replace the values of the last 2 right side columns to 99. But thats only a workflow if a simple TV set is your target or if captures are the source as a cut of highFreqs is highly visible at recent TV Sets.