Originally Posted by mediator
The problem is indeed some limitation of MPEG Mediator. The list of files that can be imported as a single stream is limited to 16. My assumption when coding this was that every vob of a movie (except the last of course) would be 1 gig in size. So 16 files in this case would mean a *very* long movie. Obviously I was wrong....
I gave up on Mediator 1.4 but went back to check it out though. I previously said that Mediator couldn't select all my 37 VOBs and that's still true if i selected them all at one time. After playing with it for about 5 minutes, I got the work around. Mediator can only open up 9 VOBs at a time, just like DVD2AVI.
When Smartripper extracted to separate VOBs, it puts the chapter number at the end of the file name by default, eg. vob_1, vob_2, vob_3. Anyway, to make it easier for me, I went and renamed the VOBs 1-9 as vob_01, vob_02,vob_03,... Doing that way, it'll be easier to select them in Mediator. I just don't like having to select a bunch of VOBs in reverse order. By doing this, all the VOBs are numerically in sequence.
As I said earlier, I can only select 9 VOBs max so the pattern of opening is...
Whew...all that work just for that project.