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05-28-2005, 02:01 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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I've noticed that your tool bundles both Subtosup 0.9b and VobSub 2.09.
It is my assumption that it uses VobSub's internal ripper to extract the needed subs.
Afterwards it might be using Subtosup to convert the extracted subs back to SUP format.
Ultimately Muxman takes the SUP file generated with Subtosup along with the encoded m2v and mp2 (or ac3) and merges everything back together.
Am I right all along?
Then I could advise you that VobSub's ripper is available for download separately from the VobSub package.
You can find it here http://sourceforge.net/projects/guliverkli/.
Browse to the bottom of Gabest's utils and you'll find VSRip which is just about what you need for DVDREasy.
No need to install the whole package .

I just edited/erased part of my original post because I just realised that I was mixing up things big time
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05-28-2005, 03:03 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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Ooops stupid me.
I just browsed the installed files from DVDREasy and I didn't find the whole VobSub install.
I just say some DLL files for 9x and for 2K/XP.
Could you please explain us how it works with those DLL's and where you got those?
Sorry about the mess buddy but this ain't one of my good days at all .
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05-28-2005, 03:19 PM
dvdreasy dvdreasy is offline
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Hi rui,

Yes you are right !
DVDREasy first use VOBSUB to extract subtitle (*.sub) and then use SUBTOSUP to convert it from SUB to SUP wich is the file format supported by many authoring progs (IFOEDIT, MUXMAN, etc)

I only use VOBSUB.DLL(windows 2k & XP) or VOBSUB9X.dll (windows 9x & me) to do the extraction process.

Actually, VOBSUB9X.DLL is a renamed version of VOBSUB.DLL that just work in 9x & me. but I have to tell them appart . . .

To invoke VOBSUB.DLL you have to do something like this : rundll32 pathtovobsub\vobsub.dll",Configure

Note: it must be ",Configure". (case sensitive) otherwise it does not work!

This way you should have access to the GUI version.

You can also create a TXT file with all the parameters you want to pass and invoke it like this : rundll32 pathtovobsub\vobsub.dll",Configure file.txt

I hope you can understand all that I posted . . .


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05-28-2005, 04:33 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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Originally Posted by dvdreasy
I hope you can understand all that I posted . . .
Perfectly my friend, just perfectly.
Now I just have 2 questions and I think maybe you can clarify this to me.
1-Do you know the successor of VobSub.dll named VSFilter.dll?
I know that VSFilter doesn't accept the ",Configure" function.
It only seems to accept the ",DirectVobSub" function.
But is there any way you could use VSFilter or are we stuck with the old VobSub.dll?
Just out of curiosity, that is.
I am only worried that in time it might not work with future OS releases such as Win2003 or Longhorn.
2-How do you use the VobSub.dll to rip the subs? What's the catch?
I've tried it many ways but I couldn't make it work

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05-28-2005, 05:09 PM
dvdreasy dvdreasy is offline
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1) I must check VSFilter.dll. never played with it.

2) Here is what I do:

a) invoke vobsub.dll,Configure
b) Push the "Open" Button.
c) change the type of files to "IFO and VOBS"
d) point to the IFO corresponding the movie you want to extract subs.
e) Point to where you want the SUB file to be placed
f) In the next window you should see all the subs that exists in the first PGC of that IFO.
g) move the undesired subs to the left pannel(top). on the right pannel (top)you only stay with the subs you want !
h) make sure that all the VOB/CELL ID's are on the right bottom pannel
i) Finally press the OK button and in a couple of minutes you shell have the *.SUB files placed where you specifyed.

Hope this can help you . . .


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05-28-2005, 05:35 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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Hi DVDREasy ,
Don't loose too many time trying to figure out how to work with VSFilter.dll.
Your program is working fine and you don't need new problems coming from something new.
I am just worried that this VobSub.dll will not work in the near future since Gabest doesn't develop it any longer.
It seems that now he has divided it into 3 distinct tools.

VSFilter.dll-Works as an Avisynth or VDub filter to hardencode the subs.
Also has a DirectVobSub configuration panel.

VSRip.exe-Extracts the subs in the same format *.idx/*.sub and let's you choose the PGC, language, etc...

VSConv.exe-Was created to convert the idx/sub files into Scenarist txt+bmp or Maestro txt+bmp, etc...

I'm still unsure if there is CLI support on VSRip.exe but it seems that it is negative .

Thanks for such a nice explanation on how to use VobSub,Configure to extract the subs.
I'm sorry to say that I already knew how to do it but I had already forgotten because it was already a long time ago.


PS: typo.....
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