Originally Posted by m0rdant
Is CQ_VBR just better in general than CQ? If I'm doing an encode without the KVCD matrix and template is CQ_VBR still a better choice than CQ?
You're going to have to experiment with that. The Q. Matrix was optimized with CQ_VBR mode. It works better than with CQ, and produces much smaller files.
I am currently using the LBR with MIN=128Kbps and MAX=2,300Kbps. This produces absolutely blockless mpeg files. I had to increase the MIN from 64 to 128 because on one of my DVD players, it wouldn't play smooth on low lit and low action scenes. And the file size difference is not that much. Increasing the MAX to 2,300Kbps made a huge difference in high action scenes. Still, it will fit 180 minutes of video on a CD-R with acceptable quality. A ~2+ hour film will look better than any standard VCD, because of the MAX bit rate.
Just give DVD2SVCD a try with the kvcd_lbr.ini and matrices.ini files. See if you like the results