Originally Posted by supermule
Thanks Phil, but in FitCD, I work with the default values for Source or do I change anything ??? (I know I have to select "Anamorphic" in the destination).
The only thing that you have to change on your first use of the tool are the "round to" slides. Set them to "4" for both height and width. Except this, you have nothing to do (this suppose that the avi have been correctly encoded, i.e. that no A/R distortion have been done at this time).
What is the relation between the "real aspect" ratios of the source and destination. Do I have to strive to keep them as close to each other as possible.!!!
Yes the idea is to have them as close as possible. But FitCD does this automatically if you select the "accurate" crop mode. Sometimes this automatic mode is not the best and you will have to "play" a little with other modes but for now, just use fitCD in automatic, it wil fullfill your needs.
Note: don't forget to select "1:1 monitor" as source A/R. This is the most important !
Edit : this is what you will have in the end with an overscan set to 2.