HCMatic is a tool that attempts to predict the ideal Q value to use to match a given filesize when encoding with HCenc in 1-pass.
Note: To report a bug, go here:
Bug reporting on HCMatic
Where to Download
The download is attached to the bottom of this post.
Guide / Instructions
0 - Preliminary settings
- 1 Give the path to working dir that will be used by HCMatic or use the button 1a to pop up a Fileselector box.
- 2 Give the path to the exe of HCenc or use the button 2a to pop up a Fileselector box.
Note: these settings will be saved once the Go button is pressed
1 - Encoder settings
- 1 Select the GOP Length. Remember that 24 is not DVD compliant (but it can allow a better compression).
Check box 1a if you want the GOP to be closed.
- 2 Use the slidder to set the Maximum value for video bitrate (HCenc determines Minimum by itself).
Be carefull to not go above the max allowed by your target (9800 for DVD, 2300 for VCD...).
- 3 Indicate the DC Prec you want to use.
- 4a and 4b are the minimum Q and maximum Q you accept for your encoding. Remember that the lower Q is, the better the result will be (but the filesize of the encoded video will be bigger). 4c is the first value that will be tested (default = middle of [Qmin,Qmax]).
- 5 Check this box if you want to disable the multi core support in HCenc.
- 6 Chek this box if you want HCenc to work in the background (no GUI displayed).
- 7 Check this box if you want to start encode when the prediction is finished.
- 8 Check this box if you want to shutdown the PC when the encoding is finished.
Note: these settings will be saved once the Go button is pressed.
2 - Source settings
- 1 For each source, use the "..." button to open a Fileselector box. HCMatic supports avisynth scripts only as source
Note: Avisynth 2.55 is required - better is to use the latest one (2.57).
- 1a This button is to clear all the source settings.
- 2 Select the framerate. You can press 2a to report the choice in row #1 to the eight sources.
Note : 23.976 are automatically encoded in 3:2 pulldown.
- 3 Select the audio bitrate in the list provided or enter the value you want manually. You can press 3a to report the choice in row #1 to the eight sources.
Tip : if you want 2 streams for a given sources, simply indicate the sum the of two audio bitrates you want (ex: 832 if you want one stream at 448 and one at 384).
- 4 Check the 16:9 box if you want to encode in anamorphic mode and the i box to encode in interlaced mode. You can press 4a to report the choice in row #1 to the eight sources.
- 5 Set the target size or select custom then enter the value you need in 5a (size in KiloBytes).
- 6 Select the overhead (in MegaBytes for each source).
- 7 PRESS GO .
- 8 Follow the prediction in the log window.
- 9 This button is to copy log to Clipboard. During encoding, the function changes to "Stop and encode" : use it to abort prediction and use the current Q value to encode the video.
HCMatic will stop when it founds a Q value that hits the target or is close to less than 0.01 with the ideal value.
At the end you will find for each source an ini file in the same directory than the avs script, and a batch file named
HCMatic.bat in the working directory of HCMatic. Simply launch this batch (double click on it) to start the encoding.
the batch file can be renamed or moved elsewhere to encode later - as long as you do not remove the ini files or avisynth scripts of course.
Note: if you want to abort the prediction, simply close the HCenc window.
- change MB in KB on the GUI
- add baloon tooltips
(things that will never be done. No need to ask for that)
- support other things than avs scripts
- develop the perfect tool that will hit the target anytime, anyhow. That's impossible !
16-Mar-2008 : HCMatic 1.6
* CHANGE : add usage of "*PROGRESSIVE" to avoid auto detect by HCMatic (memory leak and huge encoding speed drop in rare situations)
02-Dec-2007 : HCMatic 1.5
* ADD : support HCMatic 0.22
* ADD : propose to disable multi core support
* ADD : propose to minimize HCenc window
08-Sep-2007 : HCMatic 1.4
* ADD : "Stop and encode" button to abort prediction and start the encoding
* FIX : final encode now uses scene change detection (SCD)
20-Apr-2007 : HCMatic 1.3
* FIX : Qmin and Qmax were never tested
* FIX : A newline is added at end of source script to avoid syntax error
* NEW : entry box the first Q value to be tested
* NEW : check box to shutdown the PC
* CHANGE : slight change in the way the last value is determined
02-Mar-2007 : HCMatic1.2
* CHANGE : Upgraded to HCenc 0.20 (0.19.1 still supported)
* FIX : small bug with FPS combos
12-Feb-2007 : HCMatic 1.1
* FIX : DcPrec was always 9
* NEW : overhead is now selectable
* NEW : interlaced mode is supported
* NEW : encode can be started automatically when prediction is done
* CHANGE : Max bitrate can be lowered down to 1500 (for VCD)
17-Jan-2007 : HCMatic 1.0
* first release