02-22-2007, 10:38 PM
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Hey everyone. After fiddling around with HCMatic (MANY thanks Dialhot!!), I finally got the perfect encode of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Super Size Me. I am really pleased with HC-Encoder as the quality is much better at higher bitrates compared with TMPGEnc. Here are the POC-2 screens.
HC-Encoder finished product
P.S: Thanks again Dialhot for HCMatic, but how do you configure HC-Encoder to do batch encodes manually?
Someday, 12:01 PM
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02-23-2007, 04:17 AM
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Originally Posted by kvcdman
P.S: Thanks again Dialhot for HCMatic, but how do you configure HC-Encoder to do batch encodes manually?
Use the HCgui, configure everything as you wish, then save the ini. Do that for each source you want to encode.
Then you just need to do a batch like the one I did with :
HCenc -ini <yourfirst.ini>
HCenc -ini <yoursecond.ini>
It's also possible to do a "template" ini that will be used for all sources : remove the input and output line in the ini, and use the -input and -output parameter on the command line of HCenc.
02-23-2007, 06:54 AM
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can you post your script and configuration for HC
02-24-2007, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by kvcdman
I am really pleased with HC-Encoder as the quality is much better at higher bitrates compared with TMPGEnc. Here are the POC-2 screens.
Are you sure it looks ok on tv?
Is that a P frame that you posted?
To me that's a very bad encode unless that is a very high action and long movie.
There is no way I would burn such an encode.
Can you post more source details?
02-24-2007, 09:48 AM
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It's not so bad if the DVD contains the two movies. POC have several scenes hard to encode that definitely kill the bitrate. I did not have better result myself on this and finally I used a whole disc for it.
02-24-2007, 10:09 AM
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I don't know that movie.
Taking your word for it then I guess it's ok.
Nevertheless it looks awful.
02-25-2007, 12:27 AM
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Thanks for the help, I'll try it out!
## DLL Section ##
## Main section and static filters ###
asharp(1, 4)
STMedianFilter(3, 3, 1, 1 )
## Linear Motion Adaptive Filtering ##
# ( Portions from AviSynth's manual )
# This will apply variable temporalsoften
# and variable blur.
# Both filters are active at all times, and work inversely proportional to the
# activity, measured from current frame to next frame.
ScriptClip(" nf = YDifferenceToNext()" +chr(13)+ "unfilter( -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)), -(fmin(round
(nf)*2, 100)) ).TemporalSoften( fmin( round(2/nf), 6), round(1/nf) , round(3/nf) , 1, 1) ")
## Functions ###
function fmin( int f1, int f2) {
return ( f1<f2 ) ? f1 : f2
My HC configuration was automatically done by HCMatic, but the basics
GOP: (NTSC) so 18
Max Bitrate: 5000
DC Prec: (Default) 10
(I forget the quality that HCMatic found, was 8 something though)
It looks alright on TV, it is just a little flickery/jittery at times. I don't know why this is just as of yet, but I'll run more tests and see if it is the encoded video or just the dvd player. I'm what you would call a beginner, so what exactly is a P-Frame? Paused Frame? Yea, but I was able to put two movies onto the dvd and they both totaled up to be around 250 minutes worth of video. POC2 being pretty action oriented.
02-25-2007, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by kvcdman
Remove that line (it is useless like it is) or resize to 704x480 with an overscan of 2 (use paranoia to find correct values).
Raise it to 9000 for that movie !
The default is 9, FYI.
(I forget the quality that HCMatic found, was 8 something though)
I never go above 6 and was arround 5 after I finally decided to put the movie only on a disc. There is something I don't understand in your results.
(I did PAL edition, so 704*576 and 15 as GOP length = I had more than one reason to have a Q above yours !).
02-25-2007, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by kvcdman
It looks alright on TV, it is just a little flickery/jittery at times. I don't know why this is just as of yet, but I'll run more tests and see if it is the encoded video or just the dvd player. I'm what you would call a beginner, so what exactly is a P-Frame? Paused Frame? Yea, but I was able to put two movies onto the dvd and they both totaled up to be around 250 minutes worth of video. POC2 being pretty action oriented.
Well, since you've been here since 2004 you are not the average newbie.
You do know the basics although you might not have enough experience  .
MPEG movies are composed of I, B and P frames.
Usually the structure looks like IBBPBBPBBPBBPBBP...until it reaches the max GOP length which in your case (NTSC DVD) is 18 IIRC.
When it does reach the end it will start all over again with an I frame followed by a group of 2 B frames and 1 P frame and so on as shown in the example above.
You can see the structure of your encoded movie using virtualdub or virtualdubmod.
The I frames are usually the less compressed and the best good looking of them all followed by the B frames and the ugliest of them all and the shorter ones in space are the P frames.
Every GOP (in your case) has 1xI frame, 12xB frames and 5xP frames.
So, when we post a picture so that others can admire our work we usually post B frames because they're the ones in the middle.
They usually look good and they are you're widest choice.
As Phil said, drop that 5000 and set it to 9000, keep DC precision to 10 (even though the default is 9) and resize it properly with PARanoia.
If you have doubts on how to use PARanoia please consult this Flash tutor http://www.myfilestash.com/./userfil...aranoia8in.swf.
If I were you (in case of KDVD) I'd drop Motion Adaptive script in favor of a good static script.
You could go with a Undot() + Deen() or with a LRemoveDust() + LimitedSharpen().
The later is the best good looking but it is also the toughest to set up.
So if I were you 1st I'd try the Undot().Deen() because it is easy to set up and results are very good for (K)DVD targets.
And please, try never going above Q=6 in HC.
For all my tests Q>6 gave very bad results.
Perhaps they look good on a small TV but if you look at it on a big beamer then you'll understand.
Ultimately if there's no way you can compress more then it's better to go for a 1xDVD=1xMovie.
02-25-2007, 11:15 AM
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FYI, I'm using LimitedSharpen + LRemoveDust. This is the script I use most of the time :
MergeLuma(Blur(0.2)) <--- only if I can't reach a good Q without it
MergeChroma(Blur(1)) <--- only if I can't reach a good Q without it
Note: I'm looking at my KDVD on a 50" HD screen.
02-25-2007, 06:59 PM
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Alright, thanks for all the info. But I am a bit confused as to what number I should set the DC Precision. 9 or 10?
Originally Posted by Dialhot
The default is 9, FYI.
Originally Posted by rds_correia
keep DC precision to 10 (even though the default is 9)
Which one do I choose?
And as for the script you use
MergeLuma(Blur(0.2)) <--- only if I can't reach a good Q without it
MergeChroma(Blur(1)) <--- only if I can't reach a good Q without it
I searched before asking and found the All Plugins.rar and saw that they were functions. How do you load these into your avisynth script? Do you simply do as you did above or do you have to use "LoadPlugin("C:\K\function")"?
Thanks for the explanation about the IBP frames. Next time, I'll use a B-Frame screenshot of the two. Yea, I am also watching it on a 32 inch 4-3 TV. I'll start using PARanoia. (Thanks for the guide!)
I'll do a re-encode and post the screens of the second version of POC2. Thanks for the help again!
04-17-2007, 12:22 AM
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I am surprised noone replied to you till now.
Copy the .avsi file (functions) into the avisynth plugin folder and then you can use those functions as if they were filters, just put their names in the script.
04-17-2007, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Note: I'm looking at my KDVD on a 50" HD screen.
And what do you say the quality looks like to you.
Excellent.....almost as original/better than original
okay to watch.....
Since I dont have that screensize but i hope tp upgrade someday
04-17-2007, 04:39 AM
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Originally Posted by supermule
Originally Posted by Dialhot
Note: I'm looking at my KDVD on a 50" HD screen.
And what do you say the quality looks like to you.
Excellent.....almost as original/better than original
okay to watch.....
I can barely watch my very first KVCD. But any KDVD I did with 1 or 2 movies for one disc are as satisfying as the original DVD. The only warning I would give to all is to not push to much the sharpnening (especialy if you use the MA script, don't go above asharp(1,4)) because the bigger the screen, the more the sharpness appears as glitches.
04-18-2007, 12:25 AM
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or probably, do you suggest not to use any sharpners altogether
04-18-2007, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by supermule
or probably, do you suggest not to use any sharpners altogether
Limitedsharpen(1,17) does not give such problems. But you can also not use any and use the sharpner included into the TV set or the DVD player if you have one. HD-DVD player or DVD player that does upscaling to HD often have very good sharpener.
For the moment I still use LS(), probably until I buy a HD-DVD player in a couple of months.
04-21-2007, 03:40 AM
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Under what circumstances do you use the Mergechroma/Luma in HC 2 pass.
Does it improve compressibility ???
Does it improve quality ???
Other factors ???
04-21-2007, 04:19 AM
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Originally Posted by supermule
Under what circumstances do you use the Mergechroma/Luma in HC 2 pass.
Does it improve compressibility ???
Does it improve quality ???
Other factors ???
1/ I never use 2-pass (actually I used it once to do my first DL disc just to discover that layer break is a pain in the ass to set - but that's an other story).
2/ if they would improve quality, don't you think i will use them anytime ?
Of course I use them to improve compressibility, and only when I can't reach a correct Q without them. The details are slightly reduced and the colors a little less shaded, so it's better without them.
04-27-2007, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by supermule
Copy the .avsi file (functions) into the avisynth plugin folder and then you can use those functions as if they were filters, just put their names in the script.
Thanks for the reply supermule, but I have some bad news. My HDD crashed a a few weeks ago and everything was lost! I'll try to get back up, but I have to redownload all my tools! arrrgh  . Anyway, thanks for all your help, but it might be a while since I post again. College is starting and the parties are gonna rock!
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