Quantcast KVCD: Scaling Down the Resolution of the DVD? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
11-10-2002, 11:36 AM
Jellygoose Jellygoose is offline
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I got some general questions about the KVCD templates...

I'm looking for a template for about 90-110 minutes of video on one 80 minutes CDR, with the best possible quality... I tried all your templates and I still think the "old" KVCDx2 1CD template is the best choice for that... I don't like scaling down the resolution of the DVD that far (for example to a standard VCD res. 352x28 because it's just not sharp enough anymore...
My goal is for most movies to fit them on one CD because I think changing discs sucks... So for all movies which are less than 120 min. and which don't have high action scenes only, I use the KVCDx2 1CD template...
If I have a longer movie or a high action movie I usually put it on two CDs using either the KVCDx2 PLUS Template with 704x576 (PAL here )
resolution or the KSVCD Template which I tweak a little bit, so that it fits perfectly on 2CDs... Seriously when I put a movie on 2 CDs, it always looks just great and I don't see a difference to the original...

Now I have 2 question:

- Do you have a betters suggestion for me how to put most movies on one CD-R with the best possible quality...

- Why are the KVCDx3 Templates only available for 2CDs ??
To be honest I haven't tried them yet, because I get all my long movies in (my opinion) perfect quality on 2 CDRs with the KSVCD template or the KVCD PLUS Template High Resolution... but do you think i would really see a difference??
Wouldn't it be more of a challenge to you to optimize great quality for
a template to put a movie on 1 CD?

Btw: keep up with the good work kwag... I think it just great that you still respond to every damn question that some idiot is asking...
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11-10-2002, 05:02 PM
Jellygoose Jellygoose is offline
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:P I know it's quite alot to read but i'd really like to know
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11-10-2002, 06:55 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Hi Jellygoose,

To answer all your question in one , with the new file prediction formula, you can put just about any movie either on one ot two CD's. The choice is yours as to what resolution and quality you want. For example, on the x3, you can put an average of 60 minutes on a CD. That is with the default CQ_VBR value. But I strongly recommend you use the file prediction formula, because this way, you won't encode a movie with a final file size that is larger than your media. Or you encode a movie with half of the CD space available . So you optimize the space available for your film.
If you want to do it automatically, use the new version of DVD2SVCD, which integrates the file prediction formula. So then you have a tool that does the complete conversion for you. Check the file prediction thread here: http://www.kvcd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1294 and check DVD2SVCD here: http://dvd2svcd.doom9.org

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11-11-2002, 06:14 AM
Jellygoose Jellygoose is offline
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Does the new version of DVD2S uses YOUR tweaks to the formula?
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11-11-2002, 07:56 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by Jellygoose
Does the new version of DVD2S uses YOUR tweaks to the formula?
From the Readme.txt:

" - Enhancement: Changed the File Prediction algorithm to match that of shh/kwags algorithm. The algo seems to perform better than the old one, but as you probably know I can't test such algorithms infinetely. "


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