IM trying to convert a XVID file to a svcd im new to this in a way so can you tell me what template i need what setting software and everything else i need for this to work. Note:ive tried to convert avi to vcd before but when it came to playin movie in my dvd player ir skips and fastforwards through but when i burned as standard vcd it didn't do that but it gave me a 1 gb file is there anyway to avoid that and avoid having morethan 1 cd becuase i really want to get this to work now please not sure if svcd is compatible with my dvd player but i ca't find out becuase ur samples are down and please when u read this don't send me to any other pages cause ive looked and i don't understand taht so please can whoever who responds to ths message pleas just tell me straight out instead of sending me everywhere else i would appreciate it alot thanks.hope to hear from u soon.