11-10-2002, 10:29 PM
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I read in another post that you have adjusted some of the templates. I believe its the Plus right ?
Someday, 12:01 PM
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11-10-2002, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by LadyMiles
I read in another post that you have adjusted some of the templates. I believe its the Plus right ?
Hi LadyMiles,
Yes. All PLUS templates will have a GOP of 1, 18, 2, 1, 18 (NTSC) and 1, 15, 2, 1, 15 (PAL).
The LBR's bit rates is now MIN=300, MAX=1,800 which gives almost blockless high speed action scenes.
The GOP also goes into the SKVCD.
With these changes, it's a must to use them with file prediction.
You can try those changes now. I'll update the web page and templates when I have a chance.
11-11-2002, 12:35 AM
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how does the NEW GOP affect in terms of qaulity and size, what about KVCDx3??
11-11-2002, 01:18 AM
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can i apply this modification in dvd2s(k)vcd?(gop,min,max...)
a few days,when i download a samples((kvcd_compat.zip).
i burn all and play it.
only the "352-240",works in my player.
how can i use in dvd2s(k)vcd this templates and
if the others formats(KVCDx3.....etc) will works too?
thanks in advance!
11-11-2002, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by syk2c11
how does the NEW GOP affect in terms of qaulity and size, what about KVCDx3??
The GOP goes in the x3 too 
File size is slightly larger, but quality is substantially better. Use the file prediction formula to fit your movie.
11-11-2002, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by jorel
can i apply this modification in dvd2s(k)vcd?(gop,min,max...)
a few days,when i download a samples((kvcd_compat.zip).
i burn all and play it.
only the "352-240",works in my player.
how can i use in dvd2s(k)vcd this templates and
if the others formats(KVCDx3.....etc) will works too?
thanks in advance! 
Hi jorel,
The matrix is already in DVD2SVCD 1.1.0 Build 1. You only have to change the GOP. After that, you're all set. For KVCDx3 ( 528(544)X480(576) ) you're going to have to use FitCD and copy your .avs just before the video encoding starts. This is easy. Just select "Edit avs as part of video encoding" on the Frameserver tab of DVD2SVCD.
11-11-2002, 09:15 PM
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sorry,but i don't know how to use fitcd
and how to load a template too!
i read about but.....
can you help?
11-11-2002, 10:36 PM
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if your native language is spanish, you should check out this guide: http://www.kvcd.net/guides/minglas/MANUAL_VCD.htm the FitCD section tells you how to create the AviSynth script and how to use the file prediction method.
11-12-2002, 06:28 AM
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Kwag, I'd like to have your opinion on this:
I have to use 650-700 as the min bitrate for KVCDx2 PLUS 352x288 so that my DVD player won't mess up the audio. Is it useful to change the GOP or should I stick with the 1-5823-3-1-50?
I could use 150 as min bitrate if I muxed and authored the movie as SVCD, but I get lots of shimmering on my standalone player (permanent subs shimmer a lot!). If I use 352x576, there's no shimmering but there's no way I can fit a 100min movie on 1 CD with that resolution.
11-13-2002, 05:49 AM
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I just did MIB-2, I can FEEL (it's hard to tell how much better, but I can just feel it) the new GOP is better than the old ones, what makes the new GOP better? Is it because it compress less than the old one??[/quote]
11-13-2002, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Boulder
Kwag, I'd like to have your opinion on this:
I have to use 650-700 as the min bitrate for KVCDx2 PLUS 352x288 so that my DVD player won't mess up the audio. Is it useful to change the GOP or should I stick with the 1-5823-3-1-50?
I could use 150 as min bitrate if I muxed and authored the movie as SVCD, but I get lots of shimmering on my standalone player (permanent subs shimmer a lot!). If I use 352x576, there's no shimmering but there's no way I can fit a 100min movie on 1 CD with that resolution.
Stick with the new GOP. You'll get much better quality.
Only if your player supports very low bit rates, lower your MIN as low as you can. I had to set mine to 300Kbps, as many people, because the video doesn't play smoothly. Just like the shimmering effect you mention. That's one of the reasons I changed the MIN on the LBR to 300Kbps.
For your 100 minute movie at 352x576, use the file prediction formula. If it's a low to medium action movie, it will fit nicely.
11-13-2002, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by syk2c11
I just did MIB-2, I can FEEL (it's hard to tell how much better, but I can just feel it) the new GOP is better than the old ones, what makes the new GOP better? Is it because it compress less than the old one??
The tighter GOP gives better quality, because there's less compression. But from now on now, every encode should be used with the file prediction formula, in order to fit the amount of space desired on a CD-R.
The new parameters are more agressive, and if used without file size prediction, you'll probably go over the limit.
11-13-2002, 10:27 AM
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Sounds like you are reverting back to standard compliant templates? At this point why not segrigate your templates into ones that do voliate the standards and those that don't.
Also the file prediction will be too high with a new GOP length of 18 since the frame rate will automatically include at least 2 i frames thereby bloating the prediction.
11-13-2002, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by snowmoon
Sounds like you are reverting back to standard compliant templates? At this point why not segrigate your templates into ones that do voliate the standards and those that don't.
Also the file prediction will be too high with a new GOP length of 18 since the frame rate will automatically include at least 2 i frames thereby bloating the prediction.
Hi snowmoon,
Yes, with the GOP set at 18, the templates are now more compatible than before. However, it still does the best job matched with the Q. Matrix. If I use any other matrix, I don't get the reduced file size and quality.
As for the file size prediction, it's actually more accurate with 18 P MAX frames, than with the old 48 P frames. Before, the actual file size was always below the predicted file size. Now, it's much more accurate. I can't lower the GOP much more, unless it's an Anime where I recommend 10 P's, because the quality will suffer. The KVCD Q. Matrix works much better with longer GOP's.
11-13-2002, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by kwag
Hi snowmoon,
Yes, with the GOP set at 18, the templates are now more compatible than before. However, it still does the best job matched with the Q. Matrix. If I use any other matrix, I don't get the reduced file size and quality.
As for the file size prediction, it's actually more accurate with 18 P MAX frames, than with the old 48 P frames. Before, the actual file size was always below the predicted file size. Now, it's much more accurate. I can't lower the GOP much more, unless it's an Anime where I recommend 10 P's, because the quality will suffer. The KVCD Q. Matrix works much better with longer GOP's.
For me the discussion of MAX P frames raises another question. The numbers we're talking about are for 24fps encodes. What if you are (as I am doing for playing on Apex) changing the framerate to 30fps. Should I also adjust this MAX P in the GOP? If so, to what? I have guessed it would be proportional to the change in framerate, or 25% more, but should I be doing that at all?
11-13-2002, 08:01 PM
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Can we now put KVCD (e.g. KVCDx3 Mpeg-2) with new GOP onto DVD-/+R (burn as DVD-Video)??
11-13-2002, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by syk2c11
Can we now put KVCD (e.g. KVCDx3 Mpeg-2) with new GOP onto DVD-/+R?
I did that about two weeks ago
You have to use a program called "DVDPatcher", to patch the headers and fool the DVD authoring program so it thinks it's 720x480. But it works!. I don't know how compatible it is, but the DVD I made with a KVCDx3 played correctly on my 5 DVD players 
But that was just a test. I still have to tweak the KDVD templates, and I should also use CQ_VBR on them. This way, all templates will be using basically the same structure.
11-13-2002, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by rendalunit
thanks for help,bro but spanish has some words that i don't understand
(help a litle more ,but i'm just...
11-13-2002, 11:29 PM
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Thanks for your great works! So, there will be an update in KDVD templates, right? Does DVDit need to be fooled? Please also tell me where I can get DVDpatcher and links (if any) which tell how it works? Thanks...............
11-14-2002, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by syk2c11
Please also tell me where I can get DVDpatcher and links (if any) which tell how it works? Thanks...............
The author's page is here: http://mitglied.lycos.de/dvdpatcher ( Site in German )
Direct link for software here: http://mitglied.lycos.de/dvdpatcher/...cher_v105b.zip
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