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12-07-2002, 04:51 PM
black prince black prince is offline
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Hi All,

I created my own automated DVD2KVCD process using "Autoit".
Other than FitCD, I have every step automated except getting
the framecount and movie length. I would like to have this info
saved to a text file so my automated process can read it and store
this info as an environment variable. If your wondering, yes, I have
file size prediction working for both audio and video in the process.
I realize some will accuse me of re-inventing the wheel, but my wheel
has racing tires, mag rims, and can be easily (for me) updated,
cutomized, etc., as fast as a tire change in the Indy 500's. If FitCD only
had command line excution this process out do D2S. I am hoping
that IfoEdit can save this info to text files. I tried SmartRipper with
the option to create an info file, but I can't get DVD Decrypter to do
the same. If you have some ideas, please post and let me know.

-black prince
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12-07-2002, 06:23 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Hi black prince,

Here's a quick hack I just made up for you http://www.kvcd.net/fileinfo.exe

Just run it like this: fileinfo.exe Myfile.(avi|avs) > stats.txt
Where the file can be MyFile.avi of MyFile.avs.
I just compiled the source from KVCD Encoder and forced exit after the stats print out. So you just redirect the output to any file you want. The file will contain everything you need.

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12-07-2002, 07:05 PM
heyitsme heyitsme is offline
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Hey Black Prince is there a way i can get your program autoit. Sounds like a good program to me i would like to fiddle with it. Your program sounds promising. It would be awesome if someone could redo fitcd with command lines so we could incorporate it into an automatted program like yours. If you could let me know where i could get it that would be great.

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12-07-2002, 08:14 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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Originally Posted by heyitsme
Hey Black Prince is there a way i can get your program autoit. Sounds like a good program to me i would like to fiddle with it. Your program sounds promising........etc!

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yes,me too!
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12-07-2002, 08:43 PM
black prince black prince is offline
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@Hi Kwag,

Kwag wrote:
Hi black prince,
Here's a quick hack I just made up for you http://www.kvcd.net/fileinfo.exe

Just run it like this: fileinfo.exe Myfile.(avi|avs) > stats.txt
Where the file can be MyFile.avi of MyFile.avs.
I just compiled the source from KVCD Encoder and forced exit after the stats print out. So you just redirect the output to any file you want. The file will contain everything you need.
Thanks Kwag. This will be very helpful. For LBR I am trying to
automatically burn the CD as the final part of process.

@jorel and heyitsme,

Sorry guys, but my automated process is a macro executing program
setup to execute keystrokes for each program. In other words you
would have to first learn "Autoit" macro language and then adjust the
programs in each step to work according to your own directories
where each prgrams are located. To give you an example of "Autoit"
macro language, below is a macro for DVD2AVI:

SetEnv,D2V, E:\\DVD Backup\\1 - DVD2KVCD\\2 - Dvd2avi\\dvd2avi.exe
SetEnv,REN, E:\\DVD Backup\\6 - AUTOIT\\Rename.bat
WinWaitActive, DVD2AVI
Send, !F
Send, {ENTER}
Send, D:\\SPIRIT\\VIDEO_TS\\Vts_01_1.vob
Send, {ENTER 2}
; ----- set video -----
; ----- set audio -----
Send, !F{DOWN 4}{ENTER}
Send, D:\\Temp\\movie.d2v
;-------- Start Conversion --------
Send, {ENTER}
Send, !F{DOWN 6}{ENTER}
;-------- Rename AC3 audio file to movie.ac3 --------
RunWait, %REN%
WinClose, DVD2AVI

It took me a little time to understand this macro language and now
I've finished the entire process except for FitCD. My process is
hard to setup and understand, but once you get it, it's easy to customize.

-black prince
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12-08-2002, 12:19 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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it's "very simple",
i only need a good teacher,
more inteligence and
"more or maybe less 5 years to learn it"
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