Hi All,
I created my own automated DVD2KVCD process using "Autoit".
Other than FitCD, I have every step automated except getting
the framecount and movie length. I would like to have this info
saved to a text file so my automated process can read it and store
this info as an environment variable. If your wondering, yes, I have
file size prediction working for both audio and video in the process.
I realize some will accuse me of re-inventing the wheel, but my wheel
has racing tires, mag rims, and can be easily (for me) updated,
cutomized, etc., as fast as a tire change in the Indy 500's. If FitCD only
had command line excution this process out do D2S. I am hoping
that IfoEdit can save this info to text files. I tried SmartRipper with
the option to create an info file, but I can't get DVD Decrypter to do
the same. If you have some ideas, please post and let me know.
-black prince