Here's my first draft. Corrections and additions will be coming.
Let me know where improvements could be used.
Converting Divx (avi) to KVCD
Like so many visitors to KVCD, I too originally visited to convert Divx’s to a format
that would play on my TV and keep the same picture quality as Divx. Months
later, I found myself using the KVCD process for all my video backups. My
family and I are impressed with the picture quality. I know anyone who takes
the time to learn the KVCD process will also be very impressed.
http://www.Tmpgenc.net/e_download.html (get version 2.58 )
http://www.avisynth.org (get version 2.07)
BBMPEG: http//members.cox.net/beyeler/bbmpeg.html
KVCD Templates:
SansGrip Filters:
(get the latest LegalClip, Blockbuster, GripFit, FluxSmooth, etc.)
Getting Started:
Before we start it’s important to determine if KVCD encoded mpeg-1
movies will play on your DVD player. Start by checking
http://www.kvcd.net/dvd-models.html for your DVD player. Even if
it’s not listed there’s still a chance it can play KVCD movies. Try making
a small test clip using this process (say 30 seconds) burn this to CD-RW
and play this as a test. If it still fails, post the problem on the forum for
help from others who may have solved your problem.
Next make sure the proper codec’s have been installed and Divx is working by
playing your video. If your Divx is not high quality, then don’t expect a
better VCD. Don’t expect miracles. Going from a smaller resolution to
a higher one (e.g. 320x240 to 704x480) will not give you a good picture.
Try to go for a resolution equal or less. (e.g. 640x480 to 528x480 kvcdx3).
Use file size predictor (described later) to judge how many CD’s it will take
to convert. As an example, If you want only 1 CD try KVCD
Template 352x240 KVCD-LBR, or if 2 CD’s try 528x480 kvcdx3.
Finally, take your time and when asking for help, please explain what you
have done and your problem with details when you post. Your problem can be
solved faster that way.
Step 1 (Audio):
Use VirtualDub:
Go to File>open>(select your avi file)
You will get a message “VBR audio stream detected” Just click on “OK” button
Go to File>File Information (check Video Stream and write down resolution).
Write down the total number of frames and the time in minutes.
Go to Audio>Full Compression (check this)
Go to File>Save as WAV (save file with wav extension)
When done close VirtualDub.
Use Headac3he:
Select Source File> (locate your audio.wav file from VirtualDub)
Select Destination Format> choose type as .mp2
Click Options twice
Select Channel mode> (dual channel)
Select Bitrate> (choose the quality you want. I start with 128kb, but you can
Increase this if there is room left after creating the video part)
Click Start
When finished close Headac3he ( you are now ready for the video)
Step 2 (video)
I’ll use the easier method to create the video avs script, but it would benefit you
to investigate how to use FitCD for cropping and resizing after trying this.
You can create an avisynth script file by using notepad.com, cut and paste
the script below. Change the directories where your filters are located
and save the file with the extension .avs (e.g. movie.avs)
Here is a sample avs script for Divx:
LoadPlugin("E:\DVD Backup\2 - DVD2SVCD\MPEG2DEC\MPEG2DEC.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\DVD Backup\2 - DVD2SVCD\LegalClip\LegalClip.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\DVD Backup\2 - DVD2SVCD\Blockbuster\Blockbuster.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\DVD Backup\2 - DVD2SVCD\FluxSmooth\FluxSmooth.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\DVD Backup\2 - DVD2SVCD\Sampler\Sampler.dll")
LoadPlugin("E:\DVD Backup\2 - DVD2SVCD\GripFit\GripFit_Preview.dll")
GripFit( width=528, height=480, overscan=2)
Blockbuster(method=”noise”, variance=.4, seed=1)
GripFit replaces Crop, BilinearResize, AddBorders filters and keeps correct
aspect ratio. (no egg head picture image) For more options check documentation
that came with GripFit or SansGrip forum. Blockbuster noise decreases blockiness
in dark areas for a better picture.
The only filters you might want to change is GripFit’s width and height to
the resolution being used in KVCD template. The sample above is for KVCDx3.
#Sampler(length=24) when uncommented is used for file prediction. This
will be used to predict whether your final file size will fit 1 or 2 CDs.
Use Tmpgenc:
Browse (input) button> (find your movie.avs file you created)
Load (button) > select the KVCD template that has the same resolution as movie.avs.
Settings > Video>Settings (video rate control)>Quality (use default to start)
P_picture_spoilage = 0, B_picture_spoilage=0
Click (OK button)
Settings>Video>Advanced>video arrange method> (select “Center”)
Settings>Video>GOP Structure> I=1, P=24, B=2, GOP=1, Max frames GOP=24.
All boxes are unchecked
Settings>Video>Quantize Matrix>(if not selected, select KVCD Notch Beta-1a)
Click (OK button)
Stream type>ES (video only) check this.
Go to FILE>Preview and play a few minutes of the movie. Check for aspect ratio,
screen size, etc. If all looks good, close preview.
Next we will use file prediction to calculate how many CDs our movie will need.
Fast way to finish-up:
At this point you could input the audio.wav file created to Tmpgenc and encode
The movie with audio and video. Use Tmpgenc tools to cut the final movie into
2 or more files and be happily on your way. For those who want to bale out
here, I’ll understand. Later, after a few encodes you might want to try the
rest of this guide to get the most from this process
File Prediction:
Edit your avs script (movie.avs) and remove "#" from #Sampler(length=24).
Save this and go back to Tmpgenc.
Open Tmpgenc. The settings from before should still be there.
Now start encoding. While encoding write the test frames (upper right corner).
When complete, go to the directory where your test video file is located and
right click on this file, select properties and write down the file size.
Now you should have written down the following:
Total Frames:
Length of movie (seconds):
Number of test frames:
Test file size:
Audio file size:
Use the following formula to predict the file size:
I would set this up in excel spreadsheet:
Target Video File Size = (( 1 CD – Audio) / Total Frames ) * Test Frames
e.g. ((813,019,155 – 106,603,776) / 152,775) * 2567 = 11,869,535
11,869,535 is you target video test file size for 1 CD.
New CQ = (Target Video File Size / Test Video File Size) * Last CQ
e.g. New CQ = (11,869,535 / 11,680,704) * 57 = 57.92
Corrected CQ = (Last CQ + New CQ) / 2
e.g. Corrected CQ = (57 + 57.92) = 57.49
In this example you would use as your next test for file prediction, 57.49
in Tmpgenc and run again. You keep calculating Corrected CQ until
your close to target file size. If your first test shows the file won’t fit
1 CD, you could pick a lower resolution by changing avs script and
the template in Tmpgenc. KVCDPredictor is available and will do
these calculations for you, but you may need microsoft’s .NET and
avisynth 2.5 alpha. Check with SansGrip on this.
Step 3 (Ready to encode video):
You’ve finished file tests and have the CQ to meet your CDs.
The next step is to comment (#Sampler(length=24) again to
deactivate it. Go to Tmpgenc>File>Save Project (save the settings file with .tpr
extension) this is a project file. Next go to File>batch encode>add>(select the
project you just created)>run. When the screen returns, notice a check box in
the upper right for automatic shut down of PC. Check this box and your PC will shut
down when Tmpgenc is finished. Now go to sleep or out for the evening and not worry
about you PC being on all day.
Step 4 (Multiplexing)
Now your ready to join your audio file with the video.
*** (more to be added)
-black prince