Hi chaps, newbie here, so please forgive me if I am asking something which is common knowledge.
I have a number of AVIs which I want to burn ont VCDs using the KVCDx3 template, as everyone is raving about the quality it produces.
I tried the hard way :-
-use TMPGenc and the KVCDx3 template to dump the video only from the AVI,
-use virtualDub to dump the wav from the AVI,
-use BBmpeg to multiplex them together,
but the final mpeg does not work, has a number of problems, sometimes no sound etc.
Clearly there is something I do wrong; but as I do not need to do anything complex, and I have the combined video/audio in an AVI to start with, I was wondering if I could do the following:
use the KVCDx3 template in TMPGenc but select "audio+Video" so it produces an mpeg file, which I can then burn on a VCD. In effect, this will make the AVI--> mpeg transformation a one-step process.
Can I do this?
Can anyone suggest a different, simple way of doing the AVI--> mpeg transformation using the KVCDx3 template, without spliting the avi to audio/video?
Thanks in advance for any help