Originally Posted by Razorblade2000
Just a little question: Why do you use this "chain"? You could do it without DVDx much faster!
I use this "chain" because is very simple for me to use it.
I don't know if is true that it's very slow, because is not necessary to rip before the DVD with (for example Smartripper and than with DVDTOAVI).
If I'm not wrong this works could takes on a P4 at 1,6 ghtz (like mine) 2 or 3 hours for a movie of 100/120 min.
Than Tmpeg with "Motion search precision" set to HIGH Quality takes me other 6 hours to make the mpg file.
So the total time on my sistem is about 9-10 hours of work with the need of 5-8 GB of Hard Disk.
With the "chain" I use
I've no need of HARD DISK space because the movie is encoded in real time. The time to encode a movie of 100/120 min is about 8 hours on my system (so I gain 1 or 2 hours). And also is very-very simple to use it.
I read the replay of Kwag and I don't know Wich product have the best quality resizing. I also use sometimes Xmpeg or Flashmpeg instead of DVDx and the quality of resizing seems to me the same (with Bicubic resizing). Also the dimension of files produced by TMPEG is shorter if I use DVDx
Of course there is a problem to use this chain. With Video Server Plugin I
can't use all the filters that in this forum are well explained.
For that reason I made the question (
also a question directly to KWANG) to understand how much time could take to encode a movie of 120 min using all the filters you are used to utilise.
For example I'm a little bit
not convinced about a replay in another section of this forum, where another guy said that to encode BLADE II ( a movie of about 110 min) with KVCDx3 528*576 and a lot of filters on a
PIII, take only 8 hours with "Motion search precision" set to
HIGHEST Quality . (THIS is a time that can reach CCE on a P4 not Tmpeg on a PIII !!!??
). Pheraps in his reply he loose a digit. (not 8 hours but 18 hours .....
Anyway as I want to reach the goal of 120 min on one CD, I'm here to
hear from you all the advice on this subject. Of course I need to utilise my PC during the day for work so....... I need solutions that takes 8-9 hours on a P4 at 1,6 ghtz (for a movie of 110-120min) as I can use my PC to make this kind of works only by night. Solutions that need 15-20 hours doesn't fit to me.
Thank you in Advance