Quantcast KDVD Template Released Today!. - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
06-07-2002, 08:40 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Ok. This one deserves a long explanation.
You might ask, what the hell is this?
We'll, I've been pushed around, and asked if I could make an MPEG-2 template that would create DVD quality, and be able to put 2 or 3 movies on a 4.7GB DVD. First, I would like to thank baker, for pushing me around, and insist on the topic. And many countless users that asked me the same thing. There were several discussions at vcdhelp and on this site, regarding the problems of the large GOP structure used in the KVCD templates, if it was used in a DVD template. The DVD specifications don't permit such a stunt, so the GOP has to be either 15 or 18 frames. Depends on if it's PAL or NTSC.
So I started some tests, that initially failed. Like converting the produced mpeg file to a VOB with BBMPEG ( Thanks Kdiddy for the hint. ). This process, apparently completes without errors, but when you build the DVD directories ( the .IFO's, .VOB's, etc ) it burns correctly to a DVD-R, but doesn't play.
This was tried with the program Quick Builder, which accepts VOB's as input.
Then I tried DVDit, and it said that the mpeg was not compliant. Too long GOP's. That was the error.

So today, something poped up in my mind. A light suddently turned on!.
I was thinking:
I have the Panasonic DMR-E20 DVD-R/DVD-RAM. This device creates 1, 2, 4 or 6 hour STANDARD COMPLIANT DVD-R's!. So I said to myself, if this thing can record up to 6 hours MPEG-2 in a DVD-R, then the minimum bit rate can't be 2,000Kbps, as most MPEG-2 encoders and DVD authoring programs require! There must be something wrong! I loaded up TMPEG's NTSC DVD template, and indeed, if you try to change to MIN bit rate below 2,000Kbps, it won't let you!.
So I created a similar template, with the same parameters as the standard TMPEG's NTSC DVD template, but with my GOP 1-18-3-1. So instead of the standard DVD GOP of 1-5-2-1-18 I used 1-18-3-1-18. The first four are exactly the same I use in the KVCDx2 templates. So now, even though we have a fixed number of frames ( 18 in the last parameter ), we still have some compression by the extended GOP. But it doesn't exceed 18. That's part of the DVD specifications. Can't exceed 15 in PAL or 18 in NTSC.
Then I lowered the MIN bit rate from 2,000Kbps to 300Kbps. The same value used in the KVCD templates. I also used 5,000Kbps for the MAX bit rate, and left the CQ to 65. The default used in the DVD template supplied by TMPEG. So I encoded 10 minutes of "The Matrix" and SUCESS! 140MB file! I processed the file with DVDit, and BINGO!, plays perfect in Panasonic DVD-L10 portable. Panasonic RP-56, My JVC 7 disk changer, Sony NS-300.

So what does all of this gives us? About 140MB average per 10 minutes of full quality DVD MPEG-2 at 720x480

So if my calculations are correct, you can fit an average of 5 hours per standard 4.7GB DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD+R/DVD+RW, etc, etc!
The basic parameters in the template that make this possible are the following:
MIN bit rate 300Kbps
MAX bit rate 5,000Kbps
The EXCELENT Q. matrix, created by Andreas, at http://www.dvd-svcd-forum.de
The large KVCDx2 GOP 1-18-3-1 + 18 for fixed max frames.
The CQ mode by the EXCELENT TMPGEnc 2.54a encoder. Thanks Hori! http://www.tmpgenc.net
I used 192Khz for audio, which gives an excelent audio quality, and keeps file size down.

Here's a sample created with the KDVD template:
It's 30 seconds, and about 7MB in size.
( Thanks anubispr for letting me upload the samples there! )

The procedure to create a DVD with this template is as follows:

Use DVDit 2.5 PE.
Choose Start a new project. Be sure to select MPEG-2 DVD compliant and 16:9 Widescreen aspect. At least for my sample, which is "The Matrix", and it's a 16:9 Anamorphic movie.

Go to the Build tab and select Audio.
Under Audio Conversion, select "Convert all audio to Dolby Digital" and select 192Khz and 2/0 stereo channels.
If you don't do this, the program will re-encode your audio as PCM, and the resulting file size will be very huge.
Click "OK" to continue.

Now just import your mpeg file, your newly created fully DVD compliant file , by clicking the fourth icon in the bottom right. The one that looks like a film. And "Right Click" where it says ---no items--- and add your mpeg file to the list.
Now drag the file that is showing in the window over to the "First Play" button. You're done! Hit Build and "Make DVD Disk".

This is just a quick run through DVDit. You'll figure out the rest

The template is posted at the main page here at www.kvcd.net
Only the NTSC is posted, because I can't try a PAL template. So I'll leave it to volunteers in the PAL world, to make the necessary changes, and I'll kindly post it after someone does some testing with it.

Someday, 12:01 PM
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