05-01-2003, 03:03 PM
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I'm at the end of my rope, guys...
I encoded a movie recently that had zero bad frames (checked with Divx repair), no problems with audio extraction, and encoded it only to find that there are six or seven places where I get these 'block errors' (can't think of any other name for them).
Now here's the weird part- they aren't consistent! If I play the movie again, they show up in different places, at different intervals, or not at all!
I'm thinking it's the CD-R type I'm using (Imation), because the phenomenon is suspiciously similar to what happens when you have a dirty or scratched DVD. I really hope that isn't the case, because I have 150 of the dang things left!!
Has this happened to anybody else?? Is there any hope?
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05-01-2003, 03:04 PM
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, they (the blocks) only come up to the bottom 50% of the picture...
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05-01-2003, 03:21 PM
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I've had that problem with playing 24 fps KVCD's......Magnavox MRD200 dvd home theater. Plays 29.97 fps ok and SVCD ok.
05-01-2003, 03:36 PM
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So do you just increase the framerate in x3?? What happens to your file size?? I've got a JVC 7 disc changer (unsure of the model #).
Thanks Telemike!
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05-01-2003, 03:42 PM
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Hmm...Sounds like either 1)your player doesn't like the Imations you're using, 2)your player might be overheating?, or 3)your dvd-drive or possibly some other component could be going bad (hope not!).
Have you used those particular discs before and had any problems with them? It could just be a bad batch. What speed are you burning them at? Sometimes burning too fast can lead to glitches, but I think those glitches would probably appear in the exact same spots every time you play the disc, so I doubt that's the problem. You could try burning at 8x speed or lower and see if it helps any. Or try another brand cd-r as a test and see if the same problem occurs...then you'd know it's not the discs at least. Is your player well-ventilated or did you move it recently? Are you using it for longer-than-usual periods of time? Do you have anything stacked on top of it? Is there any chance that condensation could have built up inside the player? Sorry man, can't think of anything else to look for.
I can tell you that I try to avoid Imation brand cd-r's because I've made lots of coasters with them in the past, and they also aren't known to be exactly of the highest quality....I've seen a few reviews that ranked them pretty low in terms of data-integrity and write-errors when compared with other discs. If I had some really important data to save onto a disc, I wouldn't use an Imation. If they're really cheap (like almost free!), then I might buy them and use them for music, but probably not video or programs.
Good luck Reno! Hope you nail down the culprit.
EDIT: I was assuming that you had already known which templates and framerates worked properly in your player, so if not, then it may simply be a case of following Telemike's advice.
05-01-2003, 03:57 PM
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If you encode at 29.97fps instead of the default 23.976fps framerate of the kvcd templates, you'll lose ~ 20% of the compression benefits you would otherwise be able to enjoy. So there may be a few longer movies that you'd normally be able to fit onto 1 disc at an acceptable quality using the standard unmodified kvcdx3 template that you would not be able to fit onto 1 disc using the x3 template with a 29.97fps framerate.
Don't worry too much though, my player only handles 29.97fps with the x3 template, but with kwag's notch-matrix and GOP (along with avisynth filtering), I still manage to fit ~ 2-hour movies onto 1 disc with an acceptable quality (at least, to my eyes on my standard 30-inch TV set...quality is subjective though, so what looks ok to me may not be ok for you).
05-01-2003, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Reno
So do you just increase the framerate in x3?? What happens to your file size?? I've got a JVC 7 disc changer (unsure of the model #).
Thanks Telemike!
hey Reno....
ask Kwag!
i see one Kwag posted in the
burning your creations thread
.... he have the same player!
05-01-2003, 04:24 PM
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Thanks all around, guys. My player hasn't given me any problems in the past, and coincidentally, a friend of mine burned me a flick in x2 (704x480), and all was well (but the cd brand was different, hmmmm...)
I'm thinking it's the Imation discs!! They were both slightly overburned, as well (803mb)...
Kwag, waddya think?
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05-01-2003, 10:17 PM
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Considering my imation discs are crappy for vcd's, what do you guys recommend?? It's a good excuse to hunt up some 99min cd's
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05-01-2003, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Reno
Considering my imation discs are crappy for vcd's, what do you guys recommend?? It's a good excuse to hunt up some 99min cd's 
yes friend.
will be great.
more size, more CQ and more quality!
05-02-2003, 12:15 AM
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05-02-2003, 01:56 AM
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I've used a few CompUSA brand 99-minute cdr's for kvcd's and they worked perfectly on my dvd player (not every player can play 99-min cdr's all the way to their outter edge though, so don't waste too much money until you've tested some...similarly, not every burner can burn these discs). You can only buy them from CompUSA by actually walking into one of their brick-and-mortar stores though (they don't sell them online!  ).
I've also tried RiDATA brand and they worked great as well. I bought them online a long time ago, so I don't recall where I purchased them from. Just do a google search and you should find some stores selling 99-min discs (but do some homework and try finding the most reputable looking store you can).
Lastly, try to avoid any extremely cheap looking discs (the kind that are shiny silver, completely unbranded and practically see-through). They're cheap, but also horrible! You burn one and if you're lucky, your player might read it briefly after numerous attempts...and then a week later, it's as if the data mysteriously disappeared from your disc completely and it never plays again! Try to view a screen-shot of the actual discs you're buying before you dish out the $$$ (99-minute cdr's are more expensive than run-of-the-mill discs). I don't think there's such a thing as a big name-brand 99-minute cdr...they're all made by companies that most people have never really heard of, so don't expect to find yourself some Fuji or Verbatim 99-minute discs. At least, I've never seen 'em.
OfficeMax.com has a deal going this week through Saturday on a 50-pack of 80-min Fuji cdr's for only $2.99 after rebate. (and Fuji cdr's, at least the ones that say "Made In Japan" on the label which are manufactured by Taiyo Yuden, are considered very high quality discs). You might be further off just buying yourself a pack of those and seeing if you still experience the same problems you had with your Imation discs (although I suppose there's no guarantee you'd get the Made In Japan ones if ordering online, so you may want to check at a local store instead...but @ $2.99 for a 50-pack, even if they're not the "right" ones, you're not out much).
05-02-2003, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Reno
believe me,
i buy only 5 cds(brand HPO)  made in Paraguai
with 90 minutes yesterday(can't find 99 minutes)
and will do some tests...
... my player is different of your player!
a doubt:
don't know if my burner(Acer 24x10x40)
can burn 90 or 99 minutes cds.
wait a few days and i post the result, ok?
i have the same opinion of my "no dazed & confused" friend!
and his post is a tutorial.
05-02-2003, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by jorel
a doubt:
don't know if my burner(Acer 24x10x40)
can burn 90 or 99 minutes cds.
I think you might be in luck Jorel!  According to this link http://www.dvdrhelp.com/cdwriters , it looks like your cd burner can burn 90-minute cdr's (but it looks like no one there has reported yet whether it will work with 99-minute ones...hopefully those would work for you too!).
05-02-2003, 02:37 AM
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Originally Posted by dazed&confused
Originally Posted by jorel
a doubt:
don't know if my burner(Acer 24x10x40)
can burn 90 or 99 minutes cds.
I think you might be in luck Jorel!  According to this link http://www.dvdrhelp.com/cdwriters , it looks like your cd burner can burn 90-minute cdr's (but it looks like no one there has reported yet whether it will work with 99-minute ones...hopefully those would work for you too!).
wow, thanks a lot friend!
i got time and fast informations from you!
now will do my tests with tranquility.
but please, listen to me:
you never was, are and never will be "dazed&confused"
change your username!
05-02-2003, 03:04 AM
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Glad I could help friend.  You're very welcome.
I looked a bit deeper in this link http://www.enovationmedia.com/compatabilitylist.pdf (it's an adobe acrobat file). It lists tons of cd-burners and whether or not they can burn 90 and 99 minute cdr's...so anyone wanting to know this kind of info about their burner should check it out. Sadly, it looks like your 24x Acer can't burn 99-minute discs Jorel.  But it does burn the 90-minute discs at least!  If you ever want to buy yourself a new burner, Lite-On brand burners are great...they do everything and they're very cheap. I saw a 48x one at Office Max last week for only $9.99 after rebate!
Originally Posted by jorel
but please, listen to me:
you never was, are and never will be "dazed&confused"
 Well, that's very kind of you to say, but I DEFINETLY was dazed and confused several months ago when I first came to this great forum, and I'm DEFINETLY still d&c about MANY things  So I think I'll stick with the nickname.  Besides, I like the song (and the movie!).
05-02-2003, 03:13 AM
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i download the pdf file
and your hints are cool.
i have more to like than you...
I like the song, movie and the helper dazed&confused friend too!
thanks for all again friend!
05-02-2003, 03:47 AM
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Wow, thanks for that list d&c!! I've got a Lite-On 40x, so at least that part of the equation is settled....
Whew, I'm beat. It's almost 2am here, time to stop playing and get to bed.... :zzzsleep:
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05-02-2003, 03:59 AM
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