Originally Posted by wood2k
Thanks for the info. I downloaded .net Framework 1.1 and SVCD2DVDMPG .also I read all the info, but that stuffs way over my head is there a simpler way. -WOOD2k
sometimes its all the terminology that can throw one off,,,
but fear not,,,it's very simple to do,,,its not a walk in da park,,,
but it's do-able..
Give a read thru the guides over at Baldrick's for
svcd2dvdmpg---i still think this app will do what u want to do..
If ya is still stuck, just hollah...
If it's still not helping, try out a program like
Ulead's DvDMovieFactory,,,,its very simple to use...just import the mpg file, choose chapter points if any, and the program will convert it to dvd ready vob, to an image file and/or convert it to vob and burn it as well.
With that being said, MFactory is kinda picky as to which files it accepts,
{i.e. it may not accept vcd file, mpg1, for example--but svcd2dvdmpg would most likely accept them}