OKay my next project is backing up my EMPIRE DVD. I have the video part right but the audio comes out to low. I have to have the volume up all the way on my t.v. for it to come out decent. I am a newbie at making svcd's. I use smart ripper, then dvd2avi. I Pick the first track from the dvd and decode it to wav. Then save the project file. (.d2v) The i load it up into the TMPGenc and use the original SVCD template. Cut the movie into 2 and add the video and audio together. All my ohter movies come out with good quality and sound, but this one is a mess with the volume. CAn anyone tell me how to raise the volume on it. I tried Normalization at 100%, but that didn't work either. THanks....???
I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens!