Hi Bud..
Nah, if you REALLY want to start w/ a CLEAN slate, do the following, in order
to maintain backup and other configs and things, and to keep what you have
just in case you need to verify/compare results OR return to:
* rename your current TMPG folder location
---ie, if TMPGEnc v2.520, change to
bkTMPGEnc v2.520
* NOW, install the latest TMPG version, and let it choose the folder location.
NOW take this TMPG folder, and make a backup copy of it,
* copy TMPGEnc v2.50 to
TMPGEnc v2.50 (FRESH) and place it where
it can be easily found and reproduced.
This way, if anything goes wrong, you can always return to your previous
working TMPG copy, by just a RENAMEing of the folders
Then, follow this by copying whatever templates, matrices and .dll files you have
from previous TMPG (renamed) folder.. should be the last step in the chain.
If you're curious what my practice is like:
Assuming my current TMPG folder is --> TMPG v2.520
* Inside the folder, I copy all files and folders to a backup folder,
....preserving the functional habbits of TMPG..
--- copy TMPG to TMPG (BK.080803)
Note, I'm still testing this process as I go along. So, factor that into your
equation, cause I could change at the blink of an eye
-- -- -- -- -- -- Question for anybody
-- -- -- -- -- --
* Does anybody KNOW EXACTLY what reg settings are being:
--- created and revised ??
For the freshest install, these .reg will have to be cleared also
Given the above, I'd write an app just for this, so we don't have to go through
the whole motion of re installing everthing. I wouldn't trust the uninstall
that comes w/ most anything, becuase they usually leave the .reg entires
Thanks a bunch all,