i started getting this frigging error a bit ago. Just out of nowhere. I have all the versionz from 12 right up to 2.55. and just now it starts. At first i thought it was because my mpg2 expired on my 2.54, but i can still use 2.53 for mpg2, but i cant use 2.53 for mpg1 (cause of the error), but i can use 2.54 for mpg1 kvcd.
Makes you wonder how many folks know about google.com.
but anyway. with that said.
The info i found points to either being a corrupt avi file (bad frames, not necessarily freezing or frozen frames), either dv or divx, or rather a bad particular frame in the file. In which case, the forum at tmpgenc.net recommends:
'to get rid of the error go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "cpu" and un-check the "SSE and SSE-2" boxes, then go to "settings" to "quantize matrix" and un-check the "use floating point dts" box this will get rid of the error but this error can also happen if you do anything with your computer while encodeing accept encode.....'
However, i have found a workaround for my particular setup, but for future reference as well- i looked up this error, and perhaps found a solution for even my own rig. Though i havent tested it personally, it may apply to you Roddd.
I did recently install Quicktime 5. And thinking back, i started getting this error just after that. I can't open certain mpg1 files using 2.53, i can with 2.54. So this may be a fix.
" it turns out that every time TMPGenc is opened, it looks for or uses the Quicktime files (even for mpeg or DivX videos). So, the solution I found was to go to the folder C:-WINDOWS--SYSTEM--QuickTime (it won't let me type the slashes) and remove the file QuickTimeMPEG.QTX"
If its not becuz you installed quicktime or an update to quicktime, and you get this message when loading an avi or mpg file, see if an app like
Synchronizer 0.8 or another editor that'll let u edit avi files like virtual dub.
let us know how u make out with this...