Quantcast Using KVCD 352x480 Template and Converted Movie on 1 CD? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
06-30-2002, 11:36 AM
srsstvs srsstvs is offline
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Last night selected KVCD 352x480 template from Wizard to encode Snatch from DVD rip again (see related issues on my previous post). Only setting that I've changed was the Aspect Ratio from 4:3 NTSC to 16:9 Display so to keep with the original. When under Video setting the Aspect Ratio was showing "4:3 525line (NTSC)" and I changed it to "16:9 525line (NTSC)". Under Advanced I kept the Source Aspect Ratio as 16:9, changed Video Arrange Method to "Full Screen keep aspect ratio 2" (according to Sefy's guide). Unchecked the Inverse telecine box. By this time the Wizard was showing est. file size to be 1428MB, but when I done with the encoding the actual file size is 745MB! AND I CAN ACTURALLY BURN ON ONE 80 MIN CD (without using the 1-CD template)!!! What happened?

When I play the mpeg file using Windows Media Player the sound was buried within, picture was blocky and ratio was squashed to more like 16:7 or 6. Then I thought what the hell, and burn as VCD anyway. When I played it on my Mintek 1600 player the picture was GREAT and the sound was LIVE!!! But the ratio is still appears to be wrong.

Then I put the CD back in PC and use PowerDVD to play and the sound is GREAT, but the picture is still blocky. I guess because PC monitor has higher resolution than TV. Now I'm trying to re-encode it again with the Video affange Method set to "Full screen keep aspect ration" (not the 2) see if this will solve the ration problem. Does anyone know what I did wrong to cause the ration changed from 16:9 to 16:7(6)?
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06-30-2002, 01:18 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Your aspect should look pretty much correct in the TMPEG monitor windows while encoding. If it looks too skinny of too tall, that's the way it's going to look in your standalone player.

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06-30-2002, 04:33 PM
srsstvs srsstvs is offline
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I tried to set Video arrange Method (under Advanced) to "Full screen keep aspect ratio" instead of ".....ratio 2" and encoded 22 minutes. The quality is the same as before but the ratio is still at 16:7(or 6). What went wrong? Should I keep the aspect ration under Video setting to "4:3 525 line (NTSC)" instead of "16:9 525 line (NTSC)"?

Also, I notice that in Wizard 2/5 screen under Apect Ratio there is one for "16:9 display" and one for "16:9 525line (NTSC)", what's the different? Should I had chosen the ...525line.. one instead the ...display? Because later under Video setting there's only ...525 line... and no ...display. Maybe that's where the ratio got screwed up?

With 22:29 clip I got 152,261KB file size, that's about 6.77MB/min, do you typically get that with your 352x480 template? I thought you get 13.91 according to TMPGEnc's Wizard.
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06-30-2002, 05:41 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by srsstvs

I tried to set Video arrange Method (under Advanced) to "Full screen keep aspect ratio" instead of ".....ratio 2" and encoded 22 minutes. The quality is the same as before but the ratio is still at 16:7(or 6). What went wrong? Should I keep the aspect ration under Video setting to "4:3 525 line (NTSC)" instead of "16:9 525 line (NTSC)"?

Also, I notice that in Wizard 2/5 screen under Apect Ratio there is one for "16:9 display" and one for "16:9 525line (NTSC)", what's the different? Should I had chosen the ...525line.. one instead the ...display? Because later under Video setting there's only ...525 line... and no ...display. Maybe that's where the ratio got screwed up?

With 22:29 clip I got 152,261KB file size, that's about 6.77MB/min, do you typically get that with your 352x480 template? I thought you get 13.91 according to TMPGEnc's Wizard.
The wizard can't calcuate CQ. And you're correct on the average per minute. It should be between 6-8MB.
I guess you're reading a .d2v from TMPEG. Have you tried setting the aspect as Center (custom size ) 352x352 ?
This is for the 352x480 templates.

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06-30-2002, 10:12 PM
srsstvs srsstvs is offline
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I've tried Center, Center keep ratio, Center custom, with 352x480 and 352x352. Nothing works. 352x352 looks in the right ratio when I play using PowerDVD on PC, but my Mintek 1600 doesn't like it. One time it showed two screens and positioned on the upper part of the screen. When I eject and reload it was showing as one screen but on the lower part of the TV screen with bottom cut off, and the quality is blocky, chuppy and real bad.

So I don't know what else can I do? Any suggestions? Anybody?
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06-30-2002, 10:53 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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This is not regarding resolution but did you encode at 29.97 fps instead of 23.976 fps as it is in the template?.
KVCD's are reported to work only if encoded at 29.97 fps for your DVD model.

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07-01-2002, 08:28 AM
srsstvs srsstvs is offline
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Yes, I did every time because I've read your site before I copied your templates into TMPGEnc.
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07-01-2002, 08:57 AM
bman bman is offline
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Hi srsstvs !
I have another brand of DVD player but looks like they have similar behaviour .
To u'r prob : In VIDEO stream settings - alwayes set 4:3 525 line (NTSC),
In ADVANCED u set the source aspect retio => the one u want to get :
If movie is 1.78:1 then 16:9 display with full screen
Movie 2.3:1 ,2.1:1 set 16:9 display - full screen(keep aspect retio)
For last one u can try 16:9 525line(NTSC) too . It's up to u .
All those 352x352 or other resolutions like this wouldn't work for me and I beleave not for u eather .
All CENTER params for me was waste of time .
I hope this will help u
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07-01-2002, 02:08 PM
deltaboy deltaboy is offline
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i did snatch last week and had NO problems. i used center (custom size) - 352 x 352 with perfect results. i have the jvc xv-s60bk. using 128 audio, my filesize came out to 797MB. looks and plays great on both pc and standalone.

here is my template:

object TMPEGConfigFile
MPEG.Text = ''
MPEG.WizardCategoryName = ''
MPEG.WizardSubFormatName = ''
MPEG.WizardCaption = ''
MPEG.WizardDescription = ''
MPEG.WizardTargetMedia = MPEGConfig_TargetMediaType_Unknown
MPEG.WizardAutoCalcVideoBitRate = False
MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.EnableVideoSize = False
MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.VideoSize = <>
MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.EnableVideoGOP = False
MPEG.WizardAutoChooseList.VideoGOP = <>
MPEG.OutputStreamType = MPEG_OutputStreamType_VideoOnly
MPEG.OutputStreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.StreamType = MPEGVideoEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1
MPEG.Video.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Width = 352
MPEG.Video.Width_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Height = 480
MPEG.Video.Height_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.YUVFormat = 1
MPEG.Video.YUVFormat_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DC_prec = 0
MPEG.Video.DC_prec_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive
MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.FrameRate = 1
MPEG.Video.FrameRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.AspectRatio = 12
MPEG.Video.AspectRatio_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.RateControlMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_RateControlMode_CQ
MPEG.Video.RateControlMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MinBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.CBR_BitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MultipassVBRAlgorithm = MPEGVideoEncoder_MultipassVBRAlgorithm_MultipassCQ
MPEG.Video.VBR_AvgBitRate = 644000
MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxBitRate = 1750000
MPEG.Video.VBR_MinBitRate = 300000
MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxPassCount = 2
MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.VBR_EnablePadding = True
MPEG.Video.MVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.MVBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.AVBR_Quality = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality = 78
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_B = 0
MPEG.Video.CQ_MaxBitRate = 2300000
MPEG.Video.CQ_MinBitRate = 300000
MPEG.Video.CQ_EnablePadding = True
MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize = 49152
MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval = 1
MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval_ReadOnly = True
MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount_ReadOnly = True
MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount = 18
MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount = 3
MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount_ReadOnly = True
MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount = 48
MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Profile = 4
MPEG.Video.Profile_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Level = 8
MPEG.Video.Level_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.VideoFormat = 2
MPEG.Video.VideoFormat_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth = 0
MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight = 0
MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MotionSearchSpeed = MPEGVideoEncoder_MotionSearchSpeed_HighCQ
MPEG.Video.MotionSearch_AlwaysHalfPel = True
MPEG.Video.UseFloatDCT = True
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMode = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_Intra = 35
MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_NonIntra = 35
MPEG.Video.YUVBasicYCbCr = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra = {
081013161A1B1D22101016181B1D222513161A1B1D22222616 161A1B1D222528
161A1B1D202328301A1B1D202328303A1A1B1D22262E38451B 1D23262E384553}
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra = {
10111213141516171112131415161718121314151617181913 14151617181A1B
14151617191A1B1C151617181A1B1C1E1617181A1B1C1E1F17 18191B1C1E1F21}
MPEG.Audio.StreamType = MPEGAudioEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1_Layer2
MPEG.Audio.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency = 44100
MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode = 2
MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CantUseMono = False
MPEG.Audio.BitRate = 160000
MPEG.Audio.BitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC = False
MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType = 0
MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.System.StreamType = MPEGSystemEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1_VideoCD_Illegal
MPEG.System.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.System.EnableCommentText = False
MPEG.System.CommentText = ''

my audio was encoded seperately from demuxed ac3 to mp2 via besweet. i keep mine at 48Khz.

muxed the video and audio with tmpgenc tools (video non-standard).

source aspect ratio is ALWAYS 16:9 525 line (NTSC).
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07-02-2002, 09:26 AM
srsstvs srsstvs is offline
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Finally got Snatch with 16:9 widescreen result. This is where I messed up:

When using the Wizard: after brought in the ripped video file (.d2v) from DVD the Aspect ratio will automatically change to 4:3 525line (NTSC), and that's what I should have kept! That means what the source is, despite the fact that on DVD box it says: "16:9 widescreen", that's what got me confused from the beginning! (I've not tried to rip from a "Formatted (Full) screen" DVD yet, but I bet the Aspect ratio will change to reflect that as well.) This is what you should keep if you want to keep the original format! But in Sefy's step by step guide (step 2) he said "...this is where you set if your DVD is in a Wide Screen format or Full Screen..." and that's what I did from the beginning to set it as "16:9 Display" according to DVD box and came out like 16:6.

Under Video setting: Aspect ratio should be set to "16:9 525lien (NTSC)", this is where you define what kind of output format you want.

Under Advanced setting: Source Aspect ratio should be showing what was shown at the beginning of the Wizard, which is "4:3 525line (NTSC)". If I change this to 16:9 again it will change the setting in the beginning of the Wizard as well, and vice versa, then I'll screw up the output ratio again! Video arrage Method should be set to "Full Screen (keep aspect ratio)". If I change it to other setting it'll get screwed up again!

So, the whole trick is about to get these settings to work out with the right combination, to me I think it is very tricky and confused, because somehow it againsts logic. Anyway, I finally got it! THX to all of you who offered help!

PS: the long battle about 2-pass VBR vs. CQ? I used both with the same Min./Max. bitrate settings on Snatch, 2-pass VBR came out better on my 32" SONY Trinitron TV with less file size (620MB vs. 720(?)MB)!!!!
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