Finally got Snatch with 16:9 widescreen result.

This is where I messed up:
When using the Wizard: after brought in the ripped video file (.d2v) from DVD the
Aspect ratio will automatically change to
4:3 525line (NTSC), and that's what I should have kept! That means what the source is, despite the fact that on DVD box it says: "16:9 widescreen", that's what got me confused from the beginning! (I've not tried to rip from a "Formatted (Full) screen" DVD yet, but I bet the Aspect ratio will change to reflect that as well.)
This is what you should keep if you want to keep the original format! But in Sefy's step by step guide (step 2) he said "...this is where
you set if your DVD is in a Wide Screen format or Full Screen..." and that's what I did from the beginning to set it as "16:9 Display" according to DVD box and came out like 16:6.
Video setting:
Aspect ratio should be set to "16:9 525lien (NTSC)", this is where you define what kind of output format you want.
Advanced setting:
Source Aspect ratio should be showing what was shown at the beginning of the Wizard, which is "4:3 525line (NTSC)". If I change this to 16:9 again it will change the setting in the beginning of the Wizard as well, and vice versa, then I'll screw up the output ratio again!
Video arrage Method should be set to "
Full Screen (keep aspect ratio)". If I change it to other setting it'll get screwed up again!
So, the whole trick is about to get these settings to work out with the right combination, to me I think it is very tricky and confused, because somehow it againsts logic. Anyway, I finally got it! THX to all of you who offered help!
PS: the long battle about
2-pass VBR vs.
CQ? I used both with the same Min./Max. bitrate settings on Snatch,
2-pass VBR came out better on my 32" SONY Trinitron TV with less file size (620MB vs. 720(?)MB)!!!!