Originally Posted by |3|aderunn3r
can someone plaz help me?
im fairly new to this kinda thing ive encoded a few movies using tmpeng and they were fine (using the default tmps). i just dont know how to use the kvd temp, am i suppose to go to the config file and delete everything there and just paste the kvcd temp in? im new and have no idea can someopne plz tell me.
Hi |3|aderunn3r:
If you've used tmpeg before, just load the kvcd template like any of the internal tmpeg templates.
First download the template you want from the main kvcd.net page.
Just "right click" and "Save as" and leave the default file name.
Now just load this template with tmpeg.
Adjust your input aspect ratio to match your source and encode.
If you need more information with tmpeg, please follow Sefy's guides in the main page.