Greets All:
To the founder of KVCD, I'd like to wish a very sincere
This format really does work, and you can put about 2 & 1/2
hours on a single CD this way. Follow the 15 steps listed below to make a 2 & 1/2 hour KVCD single CD that has a neat title screen too !
What you'll need to duplicate these efforts:
+ (HARDWARE) A high end pentium computer
+ (HARDWARE) ATI TV Multimedia Card or similar
+ (HARDWARE) Standard VCR
+ (SOFTWARE) Latest copy of Freeware Virtual Movie Dubber + 2
+ (SOFTWARE) Latest copy of TMPGENC
+ (SOFTWARE) Latest copy of Ahead NERO
+ (SOFTWARE) RealOne (Optional)
+ (PICTURE) title screen of movie (Optional)
I use Window Wallpapers as the quality is
excellent !
STEP ONE (Initializing TV)
Initializing the TV
Click on the TV from the ATI bar, confirm it works, play a
tape, watch tv, etc., close it.
STEP TWO (Selecting Filters)
You bring up the Virtual Movie Dubber,
selecting two filters, CTRL+F, ALT-A
(ADD) Dynamic Noise Reduction by Steven Don - set to 16
(ADD) Temporal Smoother (Internal) - set to 5
SAVE by pressing [Enter]
STEP THREE (Preparing the TV in Virtual Movie Dubber)
ALT-F P (Capture AVI) (Press Enter until it finds it)
You should now have a BLUE screen
You need to point to your TV so follow carefully
Press "S" (Source)
(Tab) - Select a video source - change to Video Tuner
If you now have trash on your screen, then Click on TV Tuner,
you should still be in Video Source Menu
If it is on channel 4 change it to 3, press (Enter)
Click OK
If the screen appears distorted press "O" to reverse it to
STEP FOUR (Preparing the video compression)
Click on Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V1
Change data rate (Kilobits per second) to 6000 (MAX!)
NOTE: We are not going to "keep" this AVI file as the final
movie, but we do want to get a VERY high quality copy low
compression of the video source movie itself.
(Enter) (Enter)
You should be back viewing the capture window again.
STEP FIVE (Invoking the filters)
ALT-V "E" (Enable RGB Filtering)
Now when we record, the system will automagically
apply the filters we have to movie that gets encoded saving
us a step from having to do it later.
STEP SIX (Record!)
When you are all set, hit F6 to start recording !
Let your entire movie record, hit [Esc] when you are done
recording. Don't worry if you recorded too much in the
beginning or too much at the end, we'll truncate that in
TMPGENC. Now you have an .AVI copy of your movie called
If this is all you wanted (and I hope not!) then you can
quit now, but if you are wanting to make a KVCD with this
movie, read on ..
STEP SEVEN (Exiting VirtualDUB)
You've recorded your movie so ALT-F "X" TO exit your capture
mode. If you wanna view your movie, you can open it from
here and poke around, but we're off to TMPGENC to encode it
now as a MPEG which is the native format for a VCD and KVCD !
Exit VirtualDUB with ALT-F "Q" (Quit)
KVCD *.MCF files under \TEMPLATES\.
STEP EIGHT (Entering TMPGenc and starting up)
Bring up TMPGenc
The Project WIZARD should activate,
Go ALL the way down to the OTHER selections and choose:
Click on Next,
For Video File, (B)rowse and pull up the CAPTURE.AVI file
Note that the Audio File will have it too.
Click on Next,
STEP NINE (Setting the film range)
If you don't want to trim off the edges of this film, then
you can skip directly to STEP TEN. Failing that, click on
the square [] Source Range, set your range, and click on OK.
You are also welcome to Clip your frame here, but it's easier
to do that in VirtualDUB first with a 3rd filter NULL as the
first filter.
STEP TEN (Change resolution)
Just press the DOWN arrow key once and you should be now
selecting 352x480 resolution
Click on Next,
STEP ELEVEN (Don't encode yet!)
click on the square to turn OFF the checkmark of
[] Start Encoding Immediately. You don't want to encode just
Click on Next,
Say YES that you do want to create this file
STEP TWELVE (Stream Type)
Use the mouse and click on the far right circle beside
System (Video+Audio) so it is lit, DO NOT have ES (Video
Only) lit.
Ready ?? Click on START and let it run all the way through.
When you're done here, it's ALT-F "X" to exit and we're off
to AHEAD NERO for final KVCD burning !
Before you burn your movie, if you want to confirm that your
movie made it into a KVCD format, well don't rely on
VirtualDUB to display it as it will have to de-convert it
first which takes forever ! Just bring up RealOne player and see how you like it there.
STEP THIRTEEN (Lucky step - Insert your Video!)
Before bringing up Ahead Nero, bring up Windows Explorer and
rename the CAPTURE.MPG into the name you want displayed
like Terminator.MPG. If you leave it named CAPTURE.MPG, if
you use the screen title option in Ahead Nero, it will show
up on the DVD player with the text CAPTURE which doesn't
look right ..
Now bring up Ahead Nero, The Nero Wizard should pop up so
go to select CD, Compile a New CD, Other CD Formats, and
Video CD, Finish.
Now, go to select your movie, like Terminator.MPG and
dragging it from the right window, put it in the blank window
on the left.
Now Ahead Nero is not very bright it seems and insists on
analyzing the video. This could take a-while, get another
cup of tea while you're waiting ..
Once it's ALL done, it says it's not standard, well YAH it's
KVCD ! So click on:
Check to make sure your video does not hit the REDLINE.
It shouldn't as this mode is good for 2 & 1/2 hours.
STEP FOURTEEN (Inserting a brief menu)
Okay, this step is optional but really looks neat if you do
it right. Have prepared artwork no smaller than 352x240 and
preferably 4x3 dimensions, click on the word NEW just to the
right of the CD Icon in the top-left-hand corner NERO window.
and then right click your mouse to bring up PROPERTIES on it.
If Create standard compliant CD is checkmarked REMOVE that
checkmark !
Tab over to MENU, click on Enable Menu and click on the
Browse button to select your neat artwork picture.
Ready to look at it ? Click on the box [] Preview first page
to see it. If it looks good, click the CLOSEBOX on it, and
click on OK to this window.
Notice that a new "Menu Page 1" has been added above your
video with Infinite Pause time.
STEP FIFTEEN (let's buurn !!)
ALT-F "W" (Write CD)
Check to make sure your write speed is maximum !
Mine is 48x, when all set, run that BURN !!
NOTICE that if you burned movies in here before that there is
NO WAIT TIME for computations as the movie you imported is
already in the correct format of *.MPG. If it was *.AVI, it
takes NERO like an HOUR AND A HALF to think about it first and while I can't put my finger on it, I think it botches the audio on some DVD players. ALWAYS use TMPGENC.
You're done !
Now eject, try it out in your own separate DVD player or
run a good program like Intervideo WinDVD 4 to check it out,
menu and all.
To play the movie, just hit PREVIOUS on your remote.
The movie will start. Enjoy !
(New Home of Scenario RPGMaker!)