Hi Nick,
just to avoid misunderstandings you cant capture analog in 16:9,
ju just got a Letterboxed 4:3 (so a 16:9 look with black borders added).
Now your question.
First you do it the right way by finding the cropping values via TmpgEnc.
So note them (left value, top value, and image value).
- Enter Moviestacker
- Choose your source and determine it as DVD (as captured mpeg full size)
- In "Film Pixel" enter your image values (701x34
- In "Left Border" enter your left value und in "Top Border" your top value
- Choose in Cropping "Accurate" and round to 8
- In "Resize" choose round to 16!
- In "Destination" choose your Target
- Now go to the "Avisynth Script" Tab and choose under "Resize" MACROBLOCK Align!
These round to and Align Values do preserve that the whole image architecture will be mod 16 based! So you obtain a full macroblock optimated Image archticture which gives even better compression when encoding afterwards.
Btw. you know that when entering Moviestackers options tab and there the avisynth version tab... you can uncheck this Avisynth Version detection just to avoid this everytime boring AVS detection error message when starting Moviestacker on an avs 2.5x configurated system.