When encoding THE CORE no matter if 2 1 or 3 B frames used, but with TRUMAN SHOW I have to use 1 bframe cause at 2bframes this comes out:
C:\Programme\MPlayer>cd C:\Programme\MPlayer\
C:\Programme\MPlayer>mencoder -of mpeg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:int
ra_matrix=8,9,12,22,26,27,29,34,9,10,14,26,27,29,3 4,37,12,14,18,27,29,34,37,38,2
2,26,27,31,36,37,38,40,26,27,29,36,39,38,40,48,27, 29,34,37,38,40,48,58,29,34,37,
38,40,48,58,69,34,37,38,40,48,58,69,79:inter_matri x=16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,18,2
0,22,24,26,28,30,32,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,22,24, 26,30,32,32,34,36,24,26,28,32,
34,34,36,38,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,28,30,32,34,36 ,38,42,42,30,32,34,36,38,40,42
,44:mbd=1:vqscale=3:vrc_minrate=300:vrc_maxrate=50 00:vrc_buf_size=1835:keyint=15
:vlelim=-4:vcelim=7:lumi_mask=0.05:dark_mask=0.01:aspect=4/3:vmax_b_frames=2 "H:
\truman.avi" -o "H:\truman_2b.mpg" -ofps 25
MEncoder 1.0pre3-3.2.3 (C) 2000-2003 MPlayer Team
CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Athlon MP/XP Thoroughbred 2267 MHz (Family: 6, Stepp
ing: 1)
Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
CPUflags: Type: 6 MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
Compiled with Runtime CPU Detection - WARNING - this is not optimal!
To get best performance, recompile MPlayer with --disable-runtime-cpudetection.
Reading C:/Programme/MPlayer/mplayer/codecs.conf: 61 audio & 170 video codecs
File not found: 'frameno.avi'
Failed to open frameno.avi
Reading config file C:/Programme/MPlayer/mplayer/mencoder: No such file or direc
font: can't open file: C:/Programme/MPlayer/mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
success: format: 0 data: 0x0 - 0xAA00
AVI file format detected.
AVI_NI: No audio stream found -> no sound.
AVI: No audio stream found -> no sound.
VIDEO: [AVIS] 352x576 16bpp 25.000 fps 0.8 kbps ( 0.1 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:3 fourcc:0x53495641 size:352x576 fps:25.00 ftime:=0.0400
Opening video filter: [expand osd=1]
Expand: -1 x -1, -1 ; -1 (-1=autodetect) osd: 1
================================================== ========================
Opening video decoder: [vfw] Win32/VfW video codecs
Loaded DLL driver ffvfw
VDec: vo config request - 352 x 576 (preferred csp: Packed YUY2)
[PP] Using codec's postprocessing, max q = 9.
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
videocodec: libavcodec (352x576 fourcc=3267706d [mpg2])
High quality encoding selected (non real time)!
Using constant qscale = 3.000000 (VBR)
Selected video codec: [makeavis] vfm:vfw (FFvfw makeavis)
================================================== ========================
Writing AVI header...
Limiting audio preload to 0.4s
Increasing audio density to 4
New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong.
Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf).
subtitle font: load_sub_face failed.
Unknown block type, possibly non-MPEG stream!
Unknown block type, possibly non-MPEG stream! 0mb A-V:0.000 [0:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8986 is too little!A-V:0.000 [983:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8753 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1007:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8179 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7606 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8921 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1013:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8351 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7782 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8751 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1032:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8188 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7626 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7065 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 6505 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 5946 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8988 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1038:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8431 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7874 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7317 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 6760 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 6204 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 5649 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8977 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1045:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8424 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7872 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 7321 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1055:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 6771 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 6222 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 5674 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 5127 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 4581 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 4035 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 3490 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 6546 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1065:0]
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 6003 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 5460 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 4917 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 4374 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 3832 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 3291 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 2751 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 2212 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 1673 is too little!
Error in stream: PTS to SCR delay 8335 is too little!A-V:0.000 [1073:0]
Pos: 58.8s 1470f (99%) 24fps Trem: 0min 7mb A-V:0.000 [1061:0]
Writing AVI index...
Fixing AVI header...
Video stream: 1061.646 kbit/s (132705 bps) size: 7803101 bytes 58.800 secs 1
470 frames
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