My rds,
I think I understand your concirn for worry.
I too, have experienced this w/ other things, like when I'm developing my
GUI app in Delphi 6. I will get a strange message that pops up (similar to
yours - w98 version perhaps) and I worry.
It got me to think that somehow, there is a "adware" like feature to a .dll
or something. I don't know, but this is too coinsidental now. I'm wondering
if there is a hidden hook in all this excitement, that we are being violated
in some way. Only more research into this can we fiture this strangeness
I only get this kind of message when I'm in the Delphi deveopment mode.
If I leave my app running for a while, in the background, this thing will pop
up out of noware. Even though I have firewall and virus installed, you can't
help but to wonder.
I do hope that someone has a better exaplanation that I, cause this got me
bugged too