Quantcast Bitrates: M2V File Extremely Huge!! - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
03-10-2004, 07:46 PM
shanum shanum is offline
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hi all! i'm back to put my ignorance on display...

1st my avs script (Kwag's actually)
 ## DLL Section ## 
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\MPEG2Dec3.dll") 
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\Grip.dll") 
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\STMedianFilter.dll") 
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\asharp.dll") 
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\unfilter.dll") 
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\undot\undot.dll") 
## Main section and static filters ### 368
Mpeg2Source("C:\Movie Work\POC.d2v") 
asharp(1, 4) 
STMedianFilter(3, 3, 1, 1 ) 

## Linear Motion Adaptive Filtering ## 
# ( Portions from AviSynth's manual ) 
# This will apply variable temporalsoften 
# and variable blur. 
# Both filters are active at all times, and work inversely proportional to the 
# activity, measured from current frame to next frame. 

ScriptClip(" nf = YDifferenceToNext()" +chr(13)+ "unfilter( -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)), -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)) ).TemporalSoften( fmin( round(2/nf), 6), round(1/nf) , round(3/nf) , 1, 1)  ") 


#LetterBox( Your_Values_Here ) # Depends on situation. Use MovieStacker! 

## Functions ### 

function fmin( int f1, int f2) { 
  return ( f1<f2 ) ? f1 : f2 
i am using TMPGEnc 2.521, CQmatic1.2.06, and CalcuMatic for this stage of making the KVCD...

Movie length: 143m 11s, output res 528x480

so i created the TMPGEnc text project file, loaded it into CQMatic, calculated the average bitrate with CalcuMatic (chose nr of disks as 1) and began encoding with Prediction X3. I also checked the CQ overide...
Prediction began with CQ of 100... went down to 21 and then began encoding the movie at 21... they say the optimal is between 65 and 90... but i let it go on anyway... thought its because of the length and res of the movie

unfortunately the m2v file that was created was 1.9gigs and i still had to add the sound... that must be one heck of an 80min cd

what am i doing wrong

btw... does anybody know the link to the Avalon's guide... the links i found in the forum are dead
Anyone for some Bob Marley?!
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Someday, 12:01 PM
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03-10-2004, 07:50 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by shanum
I also checked the CQ overide...
Prediction began with CQ of 100...
DO NOT set the CQ to 100 in you project ! Set it to 70.
Or if you don't know what I'm talking about, just not check the "CQ Override".

unfortunately the m2v file that was created was 1.9gigs and i still had to add the sound... that must be one heck of an 80min cd
With a (wrong) CQ of 21 ??? Are you sure of the numbers you are given ?

Start to apply the first point I mentioned above, redo a prediction and copy the log of CQMatic here please.
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03-10-2004, 08:30 PM
shanum shanum is offline
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i cant seem to copy and paste the log... cant even resize the window to see everything... so i'll type it out...

Project:C:\Movie Work\Kwag Scr...avs
Creating: CQMatic.tpr||
C:\Movie Work\Kwag Script for clear...avs
Project resolution: 528x480
Movie Time: 143
Average Bitrate: 635
Full Encode mode
Executing Prediction Phase...
Process started at 02:58:02
On 03/11/2004
CQ_VBR set for prediction.
Setting up initial sampling.
Using CQ_VBR of 15.00
Prediction cycle #1
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.12 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 15.000000
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 15.00
Current CQ = 52.50
CQ difference = 37.500000
Using CQ_VBR of 52.50
Prediction cycle #2
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.07 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 52.500000
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 52.50
Current CQ = 71.25
CQ difference = 18.750000
Using CQ_VBR of 71.25
Prediction cycle #3
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 71.250000
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 71.25
Current CQ = 80.63
CQ difference = 9.375000
Using CQ_VBR of 80.63
Prediction cycle #4
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 80.625000
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 80.63
Current CQ = 85.31
CQ difference = 4.687500
Using CQ_VBR of 85.31
Prediction cycle #5
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.07 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 85.312500
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 85.31
Current CQ = 87.66
CQ difference = 2.343750
Using CQ_VBR of 87.66
Prediction cycle #6
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 87.656250
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 87.66
Current CQ = 88.83
CQ difference = 1.171875
Using CQ_VBR of 88.03
Prediction cycle #7
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 88.828125
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 88.83
Current CQ = 89.41
CQ difference = 0.585938
Using CQ_VBR of 89.41
Prediction cycle #8
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 89.414063
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 89.41
Current CQ = 89.71
CQ difference = 0.292969
Using CQ_VBR of 89.71
Prediction cycle #9
Ecoder started...
Process time: 0.07 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference =-29260800.0
Low fence: 89.707031
High fence: 90.000000
Last CQ = 89.71
Current CQ = 89.85
CQ difference = 0.146484
Final CQ value is 89.71
Encoding set to Full encode
Full encode start...
CQMatic complete!
Total minutes of process: 0.58
Process ended at 02:58:37
On 03/11/2004

phew... ok i see the final CQ value is 89.71... but the first time it took me 2 hrs to do the prediction
Anyone for some Bob Marley?!
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03-10-2004, 08:42 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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(1) Don't use CQ_VBR for resolutions above 352x240
(2) You only had to double-click anywhere on the log window, and the log gets copied to the clipboard
(3) You have an error in your project file. Look at all the values of file size difference. They are all negative.

Follow the instructions on the top of CQMatic's thread "step-by-step"

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03-10-2004, 09:59 PM
shanum shanum is offline
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Originally Posted by kwag
Follow the instructions on the top of CQMatic's thread "step-by-step"

is this what u meant?
Instructions and notes:
For CalcuMatic: If you want to run CalcuMatic from CQMatic, please put both files in the same directory. Then, when you click on the "Calculator" button of CQMatic, CalcuMatic will be launched.
*** TMPGEnc Project file must be saved as "text" project *** CQMatic will not read TMPGEnc's propietary project files.
You must make sure that you save the project without source range selection, and "Cut editing" cleared (or reset), and start frame set to 0 and end frame set to -1. Normally, that is the default. But if you have done source editing, make sure you clear the list, and "Uncheck" source range. If you don't, CQMatic will run, but TMPEG will abort because of errors.
maybe its just me but i dont understand somethings here...
1. without source range selection
2. cut editing (where do i clear this)
3. where do i set the start and end frame in TMPGEnc?

Another thing... when i first got the 1.9gb file, CQMatic predicted then went on to encode the whole movie. this time it just time it just predicted and then stopped. why have i done something wrong

i tried encoding with TMPGEnc directly using the CQ from CQMatic but still calculating using frames encoded vs total frames and m1v file size the file would be about 1.7gb

here's the CQMatic log (thanks for the tip )
CQMatic Version 1.2.06
Copyright Softronex Corporation, 2003.
All rights reserved.
Time: 04:53:45 Date: 03/11/2004
Project: C:\Movie Work\Kwag Script for clean dvd.tpr

Creating: CQMatic.tpr

C:\Movie Work\Kwag Script for clean dvd.m1v
Project resolution: 528x480
Movie Time: 143
Average Bitrate: 635
Full Encode mode
Executing Prediction Phase...
Process started at 04:54:19
On 03/11/2004
CQ set for prediction
Setting up initial sampling.
Using CQ of 60.00
Prediction cycle #1
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.12 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 60.000000
Last CQ = 60.00
Current CQ = 40.39
CQ difference = 19.613770
Using CQ of 40.39
Prediction cycle #2
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.07 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 40.386230
Last CQ = 40.39
Current CQ = 27.18
CQ difference = 13.202105
Using CQ of 27.18
Prediction cycle #3
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 27.184126
Last CQ = 27.18
Current CQ = 18.30
CQ difference = 8.886387
Using CQ of 18.30
Prediction cycle #4
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.07 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 18.297739
Last CQ = 18.30
Current CQ = 12.32
CQ difference = 5.981462
Using CQ of 12.32
Prediction cycle #5
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 12.316278
Last CQ = 12.32
Current CQ = 8.29
CQ difference = 4.026144
Using CQ of 8.29
Prediction cycle #6
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.07 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 8.290133
Last CQ = 8.29
Current CQ = 5.58
CQ difference = 2.710013
Using CQ of 5.58
Prediction cycle #7
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 5.580121
Last CQ = 5.58
Current CQ = 3.76
CQ difference = 1.824120
Using CQ of 3.76
Prediction cycle #8
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 3.756001
Last CQ = 3.76
Current CQ = 2.53
CQ difference = 1.227822
Using CQ of 2.53
Prediction cycle #9
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.07 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 2.528178
Last CQ = 2.53
Current CQ = 2.26
CQ difference = 0.264089
Using CQ of 2.26
Prediction cycle #10
Encoder started...
Process time: 0.05 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.673104
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 2.264089
Last CQ = 2.26
Current CQ = 2.13
CQ difference = 0.132045
Final CQ value is 2.26
Encoding set to Full encode.
Full encode start...
CQMatic complete!
Total minutes of process: 0.65
Process ended at 04:54:58
On 03/11/2004
Anyone for some Bob Marley?!
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03-10-2004, 10:09 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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You clearly have a problem ! It's impossible that eache sample take less than 10 seconds to encode !

What is your script ?

Please follow THIS step-by-step :

1. Go to TMPGenc and start a new project
2. Load KVCD Template
3. Load in your video file or your avs script
4. Save as text project
5. Finally, load in to CQmatic.
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03-10-2004, 11:29 PM
shanum shanum is offline
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just finished the 1st prediction cycle... here's the log.. do u think its ok? considering the CQ is pretty low...

CQMatic Version 1.2.06
Copyright Softronex Corporation, 2003.
All rights reserved.
Time: 05:22:30 Date: 03/11/2004
Project: C:\Movie Work\Kwag Script for clean dvd.tpr

Creating: CQMatic.tpr

C:\Movie Work\Kwag Script for clean dvd.m1v
Project resolution: 528x480
Movie Time: 143
Average Bitrate: 635
Full Encode mode
Executing Prediction Phase...
Process started at 05:23:52
On 03/11/2004
CQ set for prediction
Setting up initial sampling.
Using CQ of 60.00
Prediction cycle #1
Encoder started...
Process time: 59.43 minutes.
Encoder end.
File size difference = 0.550859
Low fence: 2.000000
High fence: 60.000000
Last CQ = 60.00
Current CQ = 33.05
CQ difference = 26.948433
Using CQ of 33.05
Prediction cycle #2
Encoder started...
Anyone for some Bob Marley?!
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03-10-2004, 11:40 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by shanum
just finished the 1st prediction cycle... here's the log.. do u think its ok? considering the CQ is pretty low...
That CQ is WAY too low
Drop down your resolution to 352x480 (or even 352x240). Your movie is too long or too active, to encode at 528x480

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