was my poor english friends!
i wrote:
"..press "F5" and see the "statistics window" for few minutes."
but will be:
see the image and details for few minutes!!
inc wrote:
"As told, do not only take notice of the statistics window: "
right inc ,i remember!
Phil wrote:
"Jorel you know that what is said by DVD2AVI can't be trusted ! You have actually this problem in this thread :"
yes Phil, i really had this problems.
sorry everybody for my incomplete and unclear information!
zagor, this is the right way:
"MOVE TO A FST MOVING SCENE USING DVD2AVIs slider below and watch if its interlaced (combing) or not! If its combed = 29.976 NTSC Interlaced, if its not combed = 23.976 NTSC Progressive and that means check "Force film" in DVD2AVI.
thanks inc & Phil!