@ vmesquita
Cool tip man .
Where u find all this stuff
This thread is
Finito la COMEDIA
How stupid man can be ???
Whole week of efforts to solve prob , posts if forum here and there and an answer was so simple : Stupidity !!! I can't find another word
First to make some order in here .
I've tryed AC3Fix - and it worked from command line on my original AC3 file without problems and as expected i got a message : No errors found.
Dialhot ,
MAESTRO , u brought solution to me - To get AC3 files muxed with DVDlab I had to drag AC3 file over MOVIE1 track . It made green band on movie1 track and rest is piece of cake .
Muxing and processing of vob's - no problemo
At last I've got prepared whole dvd and I'm hap-p-p-y !
Thank u man again and again