Originally Posted by zagor
The stream audio of film 16:9 was ac3, while that 4:3 was mp2.
This is the reason why you didn't hear the sound on 2 of your standalone. And that is the normal situation in fact, the third one wzs the one that does not work correctly
In fact the explanation is in the VTS_0.ifo. Open it in IFOedit and you will see that in a singel VTS DVD containing more than one movie, the ifo is like this :
- parameters of the PGCs : on line only only with A/R, resolution, sound format and subtitles description.
- for each PGC (each movie) a line containing the chapters and colors for subtiltles.
There is no possiblity then to have diff A/R or sound for each movie.
But the A/R and sound info are also intovob headers and that is what is read by some players even if it is not what the standard describes. Your third player was in this situation.